Chapter 15 - Oh Boy

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Cailey Locason

"Why is Zac looking at you like a prey?" Joan whispered to my ear and I sipped my drink

"Because I am his prey"

"He's crazy" Joan said and I can't help but agree with that

"Wanna dance?" Suddenly Chris pulled me close by my waist and I looked at him confuse. Why is Chris acting like this?

"Dance?" I asked and Chris smirked. He leaned closer to my ear

"Just follow me Cailey" He whispered and I smiled. He looked at me and hold my hand dragging my outside. We went down to the dance floor and started to dance

"Don't look up" Chris said

"Why?" I asked

"Zac is watching"

"What is your purpose Chris?" I put my arms around his neck

"I knew he want you so bad Cailey" He said and I raised my eyebrows

"How do you know Chris? Enlighten me? Caus-"

"Boys hormones are more crazy than girls Cailey. His eyes stuck at you all the time and we all know he's holding so badly now" Chris smirked

"Are you going to help me get rid of him?" I smiled and he shook his head

"You're an asshole Chris"

"Thanks I was born one.. just give him a chance Cailey. You'll see" He patted my head before leaving me alone at the dance floor. Zac appeared in a split second after Chris gone

"Well look at you.. alone" He smirked , I put my arms around his neck and I know he's taken back. He put his hands on my waist

"What will you do if I'm alone?" I asked looking at him intensely

"Kiss you.. make out"

"Wanna go out?" I asked and he raised his eyebrows

"Let's go" I hold his hand , we walked up first. I took my bag and told the others that I'm going out. As I walked out from that room , I hold Zac's hand and lead him outside the club.

"Bring your car?" I asked

"I don't think I can drive in this state.." Right.. he drank a lot

"Give me the car keys" I said putting my hands in front of him

"Let's just take the taxi"

"You don't trust me handsome?" I asked and he looked at me in a dangerous stare

"Let's take an uber.. where do you want to go?" He didn't trust me

"Fine.." He booked an uber and while waiting for it , I'm on my phone. Suddenly a call came in and it's.. Zac

"Why my name on your phone is Playboy?" He looked at me suspiciously , I pressed the red button quickly

"I bet you put me Cailey 3 or Cailey 4" I hissed putting my phone inside

"Try call me to see what your caller ID is" He said and I took out my phone and call him. He showed me his phone screen and I can't believe..

One and Only Cailey

He put my selfie that I took with his phone. I looked at him disbelief

"Romantic huh?"

"Our ride" A car stopped in front of us , Zac took my hand and we got in

"Wait! Where are we going?"

"My penthouse" I looked at him blankly and when did I agree to this? Zac hold my hand and pulled me into his lap. He circled his arms around my waist and I felt his chin sit on my shoulder. I can feel his breath against my skin and I'm shivering from his touch

"I'm not agreeing to this" I said turning my head to him

"Why is that?"

"I'm asking you to get out cause I'm hungry Zac.. not going to your penthouse" I said glaring and he smiled

"I'll make something for you" He kissed my cheek and I immediately wipe my skin

"Why are you so beautiful Cailey? Damn it! How come I didn't find you earlier?" He said whispering to my ear

"What will you do if you find me earlier? It doesn't matter" I rolled my eyes.. boys and their words

"I don't know.. it's just I just want all of you. Even right now" He's so lying.. a guy like him saying things like this is so bullshit

"Let me go" I said trying to pull his hand since he wrapped it around me so tightly

"Give me a kiss first.. I'll let you go"


"Suit yourself" He kissed my shoulder , I felt warmness runs through my skin. This boy is unbelievable..

"You're so addicting Cailey" He said whispering

"Yeah I consume drugs"

"I don't mind a bit beautiful" He said , I decided to turned my body. I put my legs to the seat and put my left arm around his neck. I looked at Zac.. we both looked at each other

"You can't lie that you want me too Cailey" He stated and I chuckled

"I don't easily fall for boys Zac"

"But you easily make them fall for you" He said leaning his head to my chest

"You're going to be one of them?" I asked

"If you can , maybe I will. Wait.. what do you me going to be one of them? How many exactly?" He looked at me seriously and I smirked

"A lot" I said seductively

"We're arrive" The driver said , I quickly go out from the car. Zac payed for it and got out too. He took my hand and he lead me inside to his penthouse. Entering the lift..

Suddenly Zac pinned me to the lift wall , he kissed my neck. I was starled by his action , I pushed his shoulder until his eyes face me

"Easy playboy"

"How can I be easy when you're looking this amazing?" He scanned and I kicked shin making him groan in pain

"What's wrong with you woman?"

"You're the problem! Don't you dare attack like that again.. I'm not a deer that you can easily prey Zac"

"Okay fine.. I'll hold it but don't blame me if I lose control. You're so irresistible" He winked , at the same time the lift dings

"I want to show you something" He hold my hand pulled me into his penthouse

Oh boy..

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