Chapter 26 - His Dream

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Cailey Locason

"Are you nervous?" Marco asked and I nodded

"He will win.."

"I hope so.. this race is a really big one you know" I said because I'm damn nervous about it

"Yeah , don't worry. He will win and represent America in worldwide race" Marco said

"I can't believe Lancos retired" Lancos is a really big racer and often wins the world race championship. He decided to retire that's why this big race will decide to will walk up into Lancos's place

"If he wins , they will train him in Dubai" Sean stated as he stand beside me

"I know"

"You're okay with it? It will be around 4 months" Sean asked and I nodded

"It's his dream , who am I preventing him to go? I'm just his girlfriend" I said even I don't want to let him go

The fact that I know I'm starting to give all of my heart to him makes me a little bit afraid. But I can't be selfish and keep him by myself right? He's changed too so I don't need to worry about his playboys ways.

"Are you sure? 4 months will be long Cailey , it can be more than 4 months. Depending on his training" Sean said and I nodded

"Don't worry about it" Matt suddenly appeared

"Easy for you to say" I hissed

"Just trust me , don't be feisty" He said and I rolled my eyes

"When I'm gone , make sure you don't get close to her" I turned my head to see Zac in a full race attire. I smiled and he walked to me.

"Why would I get close to her?" Matt asked

"You know why Matt , I know your head is still functioning" He said and Matt laughed

"That was 8 years ago"

"What? What is it?" Sean asked

"I'll take care of her when you go" Matt said and I smacked Matt's arm hardly

"Don't say stupid things you dump , I'll kick your ass later!" I said angrily and he chuckled

"Can you give me a hug and a kiss before I go race?" He asked to me and I chuckled

"You have to win! You know that?" I asked and he nodded

"Don't worry I will win" He said and I hugged him tightly. He kissed the top of my head and I looked up to him. He leaned to me and kissed me

"You'll win this" I gave him a peck on his lips

"I will win" He smiled

"Now go.. prepare yourself" I said and he nodded. I knew he's nervous , this is like a critical race. It's a really rare chance and it's his dream. He might be the best racer in America but this race will be the one who decide the next racer who will represent America

"I'll go first" He kissed the side of my head

"Goodluck.." Sean hugged

"Break a leg dude" Matt hugged him too

"I'm nervous" He said and I smiled

"You can do it bro" Marco hugged him

"Yeah , I can" Zac said and nodded by himself

"Go.. We'll be watching from here" I said and he looked at me smiling. He turned his body and walked out from the room. I'm damn nervous.

"Don't be nervous Cailey , he will win this okay?" Sean patted my shoulder

"He's going to his car.." I said after waiting around 1 hour. The racers walked to their car and prepared to race. They've done the checking and now it's time to race. My hands are shaking right now.. My eyes so focus on his red car

"Now" Marco said as the green light turn on

Zac drove crazily in speed and he's 2nd place now. He need to complete this racing venue in 5 laps. It's a really big venue and it made me nervous more. My eyes never left his car.

"Yes he's 1st now" I smiled as Matt said that , he's 1st on the 3rd lap. He's speeding up crazily and he's so tight between the 2nd place racer. Oh please.. God please let Zac win and achieve his dream

"Last lap" Sean said

I literally sweating so bad right now. I'm nervous and shaking a lot right now. I can't describe my heartbeat right now. I never been this nervous before.

"Please please" Marco said and we're all so focus to Zac's car. Please please..

"Zac Malvon wins the race everybody" I squealed as his car arrived at the finish line first at the same time they announced his winning

"Let's go down" When Matt said that I already ran out from the room and ran down to the finish line. All the paparazzi are taking a picture of him and they gave him a big trophy and a big bouquet of flowers

When he saw me , he put all down and walked to me. I hugged him so tightly. I teared up and can't help but be so proud of him.

"You win.."

"I win" He stroked my hair and kept tearing up

"You're proud of me?" He asked wiping my tears

"Hey don't cry.." He chuckled , he let me go and suddenly he walked to his car. He took something from his car. He walked back to me and suddenly he kneeled in front of me. Oh my god..

He opened the small black box and it had a beautiful diamond ring. He smiled to me

"Cailey.. Will you marry me?" He asked and I bursted into tears again

"Hey baby don't cry" He caressed my hand

"Yes.. I'll marry you" I said and he crashed his lips to mine. I will never reject this offering. We might date only for 7 months but this guy is the one for me.

I'm so happy and I can be myself when I'm with him. I can't ask for more. I love this man.. He proved a lot to me and he has all of my heart now

"I love you Cailey" He put the ring to my ring finger

"I love you too"

"Can't wait to be with you forever" He kissed my cheek

"Well you're succeed taking my heart" I smiled

"Capturing The Locason was hard though.. but everything was so worth it" He smirked

"Shut up and kiss me"

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