Chapter Twelve

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Mary Ann quickly ushered them inside the house, casting anxious glances about the darkness outside. "Sweet Hearts, Hatta, I can't believe you came here," she said as she closed the door. "What if you were followed?"

"There is a great possibility that I was," Hatta admitted. "But I had to take the risk."

The woman caught sight of Alice and drew in a sharp breath. "Who is she?" she whispered, looking at Alice as though she were a Jabberwock.

"This is the girl who is going to end the reign of the current Queen of Hearts."

"She is?"

"I am?" Alice echoed.

"You are," Hatta confirmed.

"Wait, wait, wait," Alice said. "When did you decide this?"

"I did not decide it."

"Then who did?"

"Perhaps we should continue this conversation away from doors and windows," Haigha suggested as his entire body trembled in fright.

"Oh, of course," Mary Ann said. "Please, come into the kitchen. Can I make anyone a cup of tea?"

"Tea is always a good idea," Hatta said as they followed the woman into a quaint kitchen.

Mary Ann set the kettle on the stove and went about retrieving cups and saucers while Hatta, Haigha, and Alice sat themselves at a small table. There were very few windows, so they were relatively safe from anyone lurking outside. The only light came from the lantern and candles that Mary Ann had lit. Hatta placed on the table the case he had salvaged from his shop. The madness in his eyes was mixed with excitement, and Alice wondered if the combination made him more dangerous. However, her mind was mostly preoccupied with what he had said earlier.

She was to end the reign of the Queen.

How could that be? She was only a thief with no memory of her life before waking up in Hearts. How could she possibly defeat a monarch?

"Would anyone like sugar or milk?" Mary Ann asked as she set cups of tea before her guests.

"I'm fine," Alice said, taking up her cup to keep her twitchy fingers occupied.

"Sugar, please," Haigha said.

While Haigha proceeded to pour sugar into his cup, Mary Ann continued to putter around the kitchen. Opening the silverware drawer, she began to rearrange the contents. Hatta drummed his fingers against the table, not even touching the tea before him. Alice and Haigha exchanged anxious looks over their own cups.

"Blast it, Mary Ann, would you leave your chores for another day? We have important business to discuss," Hatta snapped.

Mary Ann closed the drawer with a loud bang and winced at the ruckus it made. She made her way to the table and sat across from Hatta. Her hands fidgeted with her dressing robe.

"Stuff and nonsense, woman, do I really make you so nervous?" Hatta scoffed, glancing at the fraying edges of Mary Ann's robe.

"Everything makes me nervous, Hatta, you know that," the maid said softly. Her eyes flicked to Alice. "I'm sorry, we've not been properly introduced. My name is Mary Ann. I'm the White Rabbit's housemaid."

"Susanne—" Alice hesitated before giving another fake name. Hatta had an eyebrow arched, and there was some humor, but more warning, in his violet eyes. Alice swallowed. "Alice Liddell. I'm a thief, the ward...well, I was the ward of Mr. Ferret."

With the mention of his name, tears escaped from her eyes and slid down her cheeks. Mary Ann pulled out a handkerchief and handed it to her. Alice took it gratefully, dabbing at the tears.

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