Chapter Three

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After the surgery, I go and talk to the people who came in with him to give them an update. They tell me that they got ambushed and was attacked with some chemical that they've never in encountered.

After dealing with other patients I was called to go see my commander.

"Hello, sir.", I say as a walk into the room.

"Hello, Dr. White. I hear you kicked someone out of your OR today. Is that correct.", he questions me.

"Yes, Sir."

"Do you know who you kicked out?" He says and I notice the hint of angry hiding behind it and I start to mentally prepare for the onslaught of screaming I know he's about to do from watching a person on the previous side of my end.

"No sir," I answer honestly and I watch his dam collapse and I start facing his anger head-on as he starts yelling at me.

"How about I tell you. YOU KICK OUT THE ALPHA KING! HE WANTS YOU GONE!", he yells angrily.


"Nope, you're nothing at this moment. You're suspended until he leaves this hospital! You will train with the soldiers and any other task I assign you until I can see you're not stupid enough to do something like this again! Do you understand?"

"Yes, Sir. I understand."

"Okay, check on the patients you had today and then I want you gone and training."

"Yes, Sir."

"You're dismissed."

Are you kidding me! That was the Alpha King? I'm stupid. I'm beyond stupid.

After I checked on all my other patients I had one left to check on. The guy who I operated who had the Alpha King personally check on him. Okay, it's fine you got this. Don't take it out on anyone for getting you suspended.

Going into the room I see three people in it. One is the patient I worked on and the other two both completely unfamiliar. "Hello, I'm Dr. White. I was the surgeon that operated on him. If I may ask, what is his name? It's not written on the chart and no one told me it earlier when I told the people who came in with him who he is."

The woman in the room tells him, "His name is Nickolas. I'm Rebecca. He's my mate.", she says sadly. You can tell she's been crying. Her eyes are red and puffy.

"Okay, Rebecca I am going to check his pupils and do some other test okay?", I tell her.

"Go ahead."

While testing him out I see that everything is fine and that he is healing at an alarming rate. He's healing faster than any hybrids I've ever seen. It's fascinating. It's only been about 5 hours since he was brought in and the tissue is mostly healed.

"Okay, so I'm going to test his senses.", I say.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you.", the guy in the room says. He has the same voice as the dude I kick out great.

I do it any way I lean over him to see how long it will take to detect me. Normally it takes a while because I don't have a scent, but almost instantly a hand it coming up to try to choke me. Before he reaches my neck I grab his hand and keep it immobile. I watch as his eyes flutter open and he looks at me.

The Alpha King's Army MedicWhere stories live. Discover now