Chapter Thirty Two

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When we got down their shock traveled through my body. The makeshift quarantine area had about three nurses in suits running back and forth trying to hook patients up with IV. Max, Kyle and I worn not suits I was too desperate to stop helping to put on a suit when I was immune and they got vaccinated for it. I quickly analyzed the situation and looked for the worst patient, which happened to be what looked like a young thirty-year-old, but was way older and looked to be a vampire.

"What's happening?" I ask the nurse that was one of the few selected to be down here.

"He has four GSW one in the shoulder, his abdomen, and one in each leg. I just finished treating and sowing up the shoulder it went through." She says as she starts to unwrap his abdomen. "I was waiting for help to tackle this."

"Good, get the supplies while I go scrub," I say already heading over to the sink they have in here to scrub my hands.

"While I take care of him, I need you guys to go start IV drips for every patient that is stable. Don't get in the way of the nurses down here, but if you have any questions ask them." I say dry my hand and move to the table. I hear a faint okay as I make my way back over to him, but I'm not really listening to them. Instead, I'm running over the procedure of a GSW in my head and make myself refamiliarize it so I'm prepared for anything.

When the nurses come back with all the materials I instantly ask,"Have you guys triaged all of the patients in the room?"

"Yes, he was noticeably the most serious and with a more detailed evaluation ruled to be the most immediate case. " She says as she gives him another dose of anesthesia.

"When was his first dose given?" I ask as I unwrap the abdomen she had started to unwrap before I asked her to go get the supplies.

"He was giving a very small dose to get him here and it made it able for me to get his shoulder fixed up without any distress. The goal of the dose was to keep him out for about two hours and it's been almost three so I figure we should dose him again. "

"Okay, and what happens to be your name?" I ask as she hands me a scalpel so I can enlarge the wound that the bullet when in by a half an inch so I can retract the bullets easier.

"Grace." She says as she grabs the suction so I can see how it looks now that I'd cut a little more.

"I'm Aubrie and it's nice to be working with you today. Now, let's get this guy finished."

Two hours later all of his GSW were taken care of and the meds seemed to be work, but it was still too soon to tell. Most of the other patients had gunshot wounds as well, but only one or two in the leg or shoulder.

I hopped between patients every thirty minutes and watched how they healed. Most showed signs of healing without any arising problem or signs of infection so after getting through everyone I headed back to the lab to make more of the antibiotic.

When I get there I start taking inventory of the antibiotics we didn't use. There were only about fifteen vials we didn't use, which happened to be mine because Max and Kyle got to most of the patients before I did. I secure the extra vials in the safe and take out the materials needed to make more. 

I do this for about two hours and a half while making Max and Kyle which watch over the patients and send me feedback if anything happens. I made about 250 and I put them in the safe with the rest. 

"Theo's back," Max says as he returns from his shift and Kyle walks out to go to his. 

"Okay," I say as I sit down and start to compose an encrypted email to Alexa, Nicole, and Gavin to see how's the antibiotic is working the areas they were sent. 

"He'd like to talk to you," Max says as he sits next to me. 

"If he wants to talk he can come up here and have a conversation. I know if I go down there then an argument is going to be started about what he saw."

"Okay, I'll tell him." He says and acts like he's mind linking. 

"Please, you and Kyle aren't that slick I knew the moment Theo calmed down enough that you open the mindlink so he could hear everything and pop in and see through your eyes," I say as I finish the email and then send it. 

"How could you tell?" 

"You guys get this weird look on your face that makes it look like you have to use the bathroom or that you have a stick up your ass."

"Really?" He asks sounding curious and like he actually believes me. 

"No, stupid. I just have a six sense of when Theo is trying to hide something from me or you guys are hiding something." 

"It's probably with being the Luna of all wolves." He says. 

"Please, no one has ever called me that so let's refrain and not even get that started. If you want to show respect say Doctor, but it's the human thing."

"But, Luna is the most respectful title in our culture." 

"Actually, it's only in yours. I'm not a wolf, therefore, you're just calling me the moon. I know that supernatural trends are kind of the thing, but I'd like you to adapt to some of my culture trends if I have to adapt to being around wolves all time and your culture" 

"But weren't you always around them when you were younger?"

"Not until I was sixteen..." I trail off as the door opens and in walks Theo. 

"You can leave now Max. Wait, outside." Theo announces as he walks in and talks the seat the Max was as he walks to the door. 

"Bye, Alpha and Doctor."



I was going to wait and update Saturday, but you guys have been voting and commenting like crazy and have been asking for updates. ALSO, THANK YOU FOR ALL THE POSITIVE COMMENTS THEY MAKE MY DAY AND EVERY TIME YOU GUYS POINT OUT MY BAD GRAMMAR I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING BECAUSE I KNOW IT'S TRASH! But thanks for enjoying the book and sticking with it anyway. This chapter is UNEDITED, but I hope you like it and in the next couple of chapters major things are going to happen and I can't wait! 

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