Chapter Ten

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Over the next couple of days, it became a pattern Theodore would watch me during the day and throughout the day Autumn and his family would visit me. By the end of the week, I was sick of it. My bruises had all started to heal really well and some of them were practically gone. Now I was desperate to do something useful and I came up with a plan. A plan that I knew would get me in so much trouble, but if I got in an OR or just was able to help one person it would be worth it.

"Hey, are you even paying attention?", Nicole says.

"Um no, sorry. I was just thinking.", I tell her.

"Okay well, I have to go to work. The Alpha King should be here soon. Have a good day!", she shouts as she leaves.

Great. Now I just have to get the medicine out of my emergency kit.

I rush over to the kit and throw things out looking for it as quickly as I can. I had just taken it out when he walked in. I quickly shove the injector into my pocket, hoping he wouldn't notice. He looked at me with a careful expression. Shit at innocent! Now he knows I'm going to try something.

"What are you doing? Did you hurt yourself?", he asks walking over to where I am stand and noticing the emergency kit. He then looks me over making sure that I didn't. I slowly put the thing back in it.

I finish put the items away and turn to him. Come one! What's the best reasonable explanation? Autumn need a... Nope won't work. Nicole? Yes, Nicole. "Nicole used all her shift shots, those are shots that make wolves shift, and she wanted to know if I had any because she the hospital is low on them."

He looks as me wearily and asks,"Did you give them to her?"

"Yeah, before she left. I was just in cleaning up the mess from looking for them in a rush.", I answer nervously. I turn around and move when I feel his arm reach out and turn me around.

"Okay. I know what you just said wasn't the truth and I'm going to give you another chance in telling the truth, Okay? You don't need to lie to me.", he says looking me in the eye.

"I'm sorry.", I say as I reach in the pocket slowly. I try not to make any sudden movements so he won't notice it.

"Sorry for what? Lying.", he says looking at me cautiously.

"For this.", I say as I move and try to stab him in the leg and inject it. Holy shit! I did it.

"What did you do?", he says. While say it his speech started to get sloppy. He looks like he's losing his balance and I see his eyes have changed to an almost pitch black and growls are now slowly coming out.

"I'm sorry. ", I say as I reach out and grab him before he falls. He weighs a ton, but I'm able to drag him to my bed. I struggle to get him on the bed for the next couple of minutes. Dang, that tranquilizer works fabulously.

Okay, time to go. I quickly put on my work wear and run all the way into the building.

"What are you doing here?", I hear one of my other fellow medic's say, name Devon.

Seeing another patient come in I grab it and say, "I'm here to do my job."

I had just finish with my first patient when a person on a stretcher came in looking like the Alpha King. That's when I see who he came in with his sister and parents as well as my sister and her mate.

The Alpha King's Army MedicWhere stories live. Discover now