Chapter Twenty Three

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I'm extremely groggy and I ache everywhere when I wake up. I open my eyes and see that I'm not in the same room I was in and that Theo is sitting in a chair close to the bed looking tired and worn out. Oh, and he was staring at me.

"You're up.", he says in a rough voice that sounds sexy.

"I am.", I say straining my voice. My throat felt like sandpaper. He gets up and walks to the mini fridge in the room and grab a water bottle out of it. He opens it and hands it to me.


I take the water bottle and with a slightly shaky hand bring it up to mine. The cold water travels down my throat and eases the sandpaper someone must have shoved down my throat while I was out. The cold water, however, makes a chill travel through my body and make me shiver in the cold. Not less than a second later Theo was tucking me into a blanket and feeling my forehead. His hand felt warm and I led into it. His hand traveled to my to my check and stayed there. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling for a while before opening my eyes and staring into his eyes. He made a move that looks like he was going to kiss me so I shoved him away.

"I'm sick, don't kiss me."

"I don't care. Infect me.", he says as he kisses me. It was a sweet brief kiss that ended to soon for my liking.

"Dang girl, you trying to get it on in a hospital?", Autumn calls.

"Been there, done that. Wasn't as great as you think.", I answer her back.

Theo growls and we both laugh. "What are you doing here?"

"You expected your friends not to call me to find out you shot yourself? Plus I always know when something happens to you. It's the twin thing.", she answers.

I look at her and notice that she looks really tired. Her bags under her eyes are huge.

"What's happened?", I ask and then start to cough.

"You've been asleep for a week. That's why Theo finally stopped flipping out. When I first got here I thought he was going to rip my head off."

"A week. Wow. Was I right?"

Nicole walks in and says, "Yes you were. We recorded everything your body went through while you were out and you fought it off. However, it weakened your immune system a lot and you have pneumonia. Which is exactly why we told you not to be in the room Autumn because it spreads through coughing and sneezing. Does your mate know you're in here?"

"What mate? I have one of those?"

"Yes, you do. He's probably already looking for you right now. You should go before he finds you here."

"You're right. Bye, Aubrie. I'll see you later."

Once she leaves I start questioning Nicole. "What type of pneumonia is it?"

"It's is bacterial. We have you on antibiotics."

"When did you discover pneumonia?"

"Three days ago, but we didn't get the medicine for it until yesterday because it's uncommon now."

"Okay. That's why I still feel pretty bad. What did you learn about the bacteria that are killing the wolves and vampires?"

"I haven't heard much about it. All I can tell you is that Gavin and Alexa have only left the lab to get samples or to check on you."


"Now I need to check your temperature and you should try to eat some crackers and drink water or Gatorade."

I hear the door open and Theo leaves to most likely to get what she just said. She reads my temperature and almost says it until Theo walks back in with three Gatorades and a box of Rits crackers.

"101.2 I'm going to give you something to hopefully bring it down. How do you feel?"

"I'm really aching and I've been having chills. My eyes also feel more sensitive to the light and they burn occasionally. Oh, I've been coughing some."

"Okay, well most of that is from the fever, but you already know that."

"Yup. Thank you, Nicole."

"You're welcome. Now since I worked on you, the hospital here seen I've done a good job so with the help of an outraged Theo they decided to give me privileges here so..."

"Go be a doctor. I'll be fine here with Theo."

"Okay, I'll check on you later." She says "as she leaves the room.

"Do you want some crackers of Gatorade?", Theo asks.

"No, but can I have more water?"

"Of course." He opens the water and passes it to me again.

"Thank you." I take the water and drink it. The cold water makes me realize how cold I feel and my teeth start to chatter. Theo gives me another blanket, but it doesn't help much. Theo then moved me a little in the bed and creates room for himself. He goes under the blanket and sits beside me and I feel the heat radiating off him. Instantly I cling to him for the warmth.

"You're the best. I hope I don't get you sick.", I say as I cuddle into his chest.

"I won't get sick. My immune system is like a hundred times better than yours."

"Thank for rubbing it in.", I say as I pull away from him and cover my mouth as I go into a coughing fit.

This happens for five more days. Theo and Ace would switch and take care of me. I was released from the hospital on day three and I felt way better, but Theo and Ace made sure I recovered completely and would barely let me get a glass of water for myself.


A/N: Here's another extra update for you this week. It's my birthday so I thought here's a gift for you. I know it's short so sorry, but at least it's an extra update.

Thank you for #374 in werewolf!!!! 

The Alpha King's Army MedicOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara