Chapter Twenty

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Lydia and I slowly get out and make our way inside. Lydia takes out her key and uses it and once the door opens her mom and what I am guessing to be her dad says, "You all are dead."
"I know we look dead, but it's rude to call us that just because we had a very tiring day.", Lydia says to her parents.

"Lydia your father didn't mean you looked dead tired we mean you are physically going to be dead because the Alpha King has been tearing up the place looking for her.", Lisa, Lydia's mother, says.

"Hey, I'm super tired so do you think we can deal with this in the morning? I haven't slept in two days and I went to the fair today so I'm like trying not to fall asleep right as we speak.", I say.

"Fine, you can asleep. However, I'm telling them that we've found you and I will not stop them from coming here and interrupting your sleep for the explanation we all wish to know.", Lisa says.

"Okay thank you, mom.", Lydia says as she leads us up the stair. She opens a door and tiredly shoves Nicole saying, "This is your room." She then moves a couple doors down and shoves me into a room and repeats what she said to Nicole.

I'm too tired to even think about changing so I fall into the bed. My head hits the pillow and I'm out like a light.

I don't know how long I'm asleep before I hear the door to my room slam open. It's so dark in the room I can not even see who it is but I have a pretty good idea of who it might be. They don't say anything after they slammed the door open. I continue to try to sleep and shove my head further into the pillow.

Then the blankets are thrown off me and I am picked up and thrown over the person's shoulder. I'm too tired to argue so I just lay there and try to fall asleep.

The next time I wake up I'm in a bed. A nice, soft, comfortable bed that begs for me not to get out of it. I instantly knew I wasn't in my bed at the packed house or the spare bedrooms bed at Lydia's, while both those bed were somewhat comfortable they did not feel like this bed. Those bed did not feel like the clouds in heaven. Those bed when compared to this bed probably belonged to the bed in hell.

I open my eyes to a black room, literally everything in the room is black. The sheet, the blanket, the desk, everything. I have expected the wall to be covered with emo bands that I used to listen to when I was fourteen and fifteen. I honestly could probably remember all the lyrics to those songs. Actually, I still listen to some of those bands today like Fall Out Boy, Panic! At The Disco, and so much more.

Oh god, I'm still emo on the inside. I guess I'm just got better at hiding it now I guess.

I get out of the bed and wander to the door of the room. I turn the knob and see that it's locked.

Who the heck have locks on the outside of their doors? The only place that had that was.... Nope not going there. I'm not getting sick with those thoughts again.

Okay, door can you please not be an extra strength werewolf proof door?

I then kick the door as hard as I could, but it didn't bust open like a normal human door would.

Of course, you just want to make my life hard.

Before I try another method to break free, I start to look around the room. Nothing was left out on any tables or desks. I got an open a door to see clothes organized super neatly. The closet was a walk in one and held many suits as well as casual wear.

Closing the closet door I go over to the window near by. I could see that I was on the third floor of whoever house I was in. I tried to open the window but it was locked. I look for the lock so I can unlock it and right when I hear a key enter the lock on the door. I grab the lamp off the nightstand in case it's someone I don't know.

The door opens and in walls Theo. He looks tired, angry, and frustrated, but mostly angry. His eyes are an almost pure black color. His hair extremely messy and looks like his hands ran through it a million times. He's wearing a black shirt that shows his muscles slightly off from under his shirt.

"You're up.", he states as he walks into the room and shuts the door.

"Yeah.", I said awkwardly as I set the lap back on the nightstand.

"What were you doing?", he asks in a strained voice. His eyes keep on darkening and then going back to normal.

His wolf is trying to come out. Shit, I must have pissed him off pretty bad.

"Nothing, just admiring the lamp. It looks really good. I love the color. Black is the best color ever. Where did you get it?", I ramble nervously. He gives me a look that tells me that he doesn't believe me so I say," I grabbed it in case someone I didn't know came in here so I could hit them with it."

"Okay.", he says. There's nothing but silence between us for a couple of minutes, but then he says, "You have not idea how mad I am right now. I'm trying so hard not to wolf out on you but my wolf just wants me to let him take over so he can so you who you belong to and what happens if you don't behave."

"Look I'm really sorry. I wasn't thinking about how it would affect you. I new to this mate stuff and I forgot how wolves tend to get if they can't find their mate. I honestly thought it wasn't a big deal not to tell you we were going to the carnival. No one had even called me before my phone died and that's the same with Lydia and Nicole. Please don't punish them for my stupid decisions. "

"I'm sorry we have to continue this later. My wolf is going to take over and neither of us is ready for that, but this conversation isn't over. You are to stay in this house. Guards are outside and they won't let you leave. I'll be back later.", he says his eyes almost completely black.
A/N: This is UNEDITED like extremely unedited because my laptop is a piece of shit and doesn't work. I edit grammar and all that on my laptop after I write it because I mostly write on my phone. Anyway sorry this was late.

The Alpha King's Army MedicHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin