M.U.S.E Chapter 3

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He put it to his lips, those amazingly beautiful lips. The lips I kissed on our wedding day when we made our vows. I couldn't picture it, the image disappeared, melted away. Poison was the image that replaced it.

I gasped putting my hand out to prevent him from drinking. A pain shot through my head.

"What?" he asked. "Are you ill?" he asked.

I couldn't speak with the pain in my head so intense. I reached for the necklace and threw it at him. It took him a few looks back and forth between the glass and the necklace with a missing gem stone to realise that I had poisoned his drink.

He flew from the bed and pinned me against the wall, his body weight knocking the wind out of me. "Who gave the order?" he asked.

I didn't know, I couldn't speak.

He slapped me hard around the face, "ANSWER ME!" he yelled.

My face was stinging as I tried to find the answer. The pain in my head searing.

He took some deep breaths.

"What is your name?" he asked calmly. "What is your mission?"

I shook my head as tears fell.

"Oh great, fucking marvellous! An empty vessel," he said angrily. He stared at me and I looked back confused as I tried to think of what I was suppose to do or say.

He pulled us over to the bed and reached his phone. "We've been compromised. My 'wife' just tried to kill me," he said. I listened as he held me tight.... Too tight, it hurt. "Ok I will dispose of her and you sort things out your end," he said.

He stood us up from the bed, "Get dressed there where I can see you," he said. "We are going for a walk along the river," he said.

I nodded and pulled my clothes on. Tears flowing as I was heartbroken that he was angry with me and we were arguing. It was totally bizarre to feel upset for arguing with my husband as the reality of the situation hit me. He was a mission and I had failed. I knew that I was not returning here after our walk. The only place I was going was in the river with a bullet in the back of my head.

We got into the lift and made our way back down to the hotel entrance in silence.

"Cole," Albert yelled. We stopped. "Where have you two been?" he asked. "You missed breakfast."

"My wife is not feeling well, we are going to get some fresh air," Cole explained.

"Oh dear," Albert said reaching out to stroke my hair sympathetically which made me cry as it reminded me not everyone in the world was evil. "Come here you," he said pulling me into a hug and rubbing my shoulders.

"Oh what's happened?" Maureen said as she approached.

"She's poorly," he replied.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Headache," I whispered.

"Bloody hell, I get migraines and they are awful. I tell you what, you come back to my room with me," she said. "I have some great pain killers and some cooling pads you can stick on your forehead which are fantastic."

"No its ok, I'm just going to go for a walk and get some fresh air," I said reaching out to take Cole's hand. I didn't want to get them caught in the middle.

"We'll see you both later," she said smiling.

I nodded but knew I wouldn't. This was my last walk.

Cole and I walked hand in hand towards the riverbank and I tried to come to terms with my fate.

Cole stopped walking as we entered a dark section. "You could have got away back there," he said. "Why didn't you?" he asked.

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