M.U.S.E Chapter 15

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When I woke John was gone and I didn't see him for the next few days. I didn't ask where he was I just got on with life and tried not to annoy Gordon and other members of the house. There were cleaners, drivers, a cook, people who worked on the vine yard and they all noticed me but pretended not too. I didn't know whether it was the language barrier or just that they avoided me.

I thought one of the men was very attractive. He was tall, toned, sandy blonde hair... I hadn't quite worked out the colour of his eyes yet but when I watched him from afar, pulling barrels around and washing himself off in the river with the others during their lunch. Oooohhh the things I would do to that man were I not pregnant!

Today I was going to go for a walk with Gordon as my ankle was loads better. Not perfect but on the mend. It was lovely out and Gordon had packed a picnic and I made sure I looked as hot as I could as I would be walking past the hot guy. Floral summer dress, hair shampoo that lingered in the air when I would walk past, tied in a pony tail so he would be able to see my neck line, topped off with black mascara and rose lip gloss.

"Woooo, someone is looking sexy," Gordon said as I walked out to meet him.

I smiled.

"I assume this is for Andre's benefit," he said nodding towards the hot guy.

I smiled, giggled like a school girl, blushed, bit my lip and basically lost all my cool which had Gordon booming with laughter.

"I haven't seen him up close but from a distance he is a very welcome sight from my bedroom window everyday," I said wiggling my eyebrows and smiling my ass off.

"Well come on lets go get up close and personal with him as I have to fetch the wine for the picnic," he said and pulled me along by my hand.

My heart raced as we approached the building and Gordon shouted an hello.

"Bonjour," Andre called back... oh that voice was better than I imagined.

"Hi Andre, this is Cara," Gordon said introducing me.

"Bonjour, Cara," he said and kissed me on either cheek, whilst his hands placed themselves firmly on my upper arms.

"Hello," I replied and took in the beauty of his unshaven face, green eyes with hazel fleck around the pupil... he was perfect.

"I trust you are feeling better?" he asked in the sexiest accent ever.

"Yes, much better thank you," I replied and smiled coyly.

"I am happy to hear it, mon cher," he said and reached for a basket behind him. "Here is your picnic. Enjoy," he said and smiled. Wow that smile made my knees weak.

"Thank you," Gordon replied as I just stared.

"How long left until you have the baby?" he asked.

"About 6 weeks I think," I said and looked at Gordon for confirmation. He nodded.

"Wonderful," Andre replied with a smile.

"Come on then," Gordon said urging me on.

"Bye," I said to Andre and sort of waved a little.

"Salut," he replied.

As I walked away with Gordon, I couldn't help but look back and yes he was watching me, I smiled as he gave me a sexy wink. YES!!!

"You are drooling," Gordon replied.

"I know!" I replied and linked Gordon's arm as we went on our picnic.

The picnic was wonderful. I got to relax and quiz Gordon over parts in my book I didn't understand. He taught me the correct pronunciation and some French words I could use to get by daily in the house. Apparently most of the staff spoke English.

M.U.S.E. (BOOK 1) (COMPLETE)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant