M.U.S.E Chapter 16

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I put the towels in place, water ready for cleaning, scissors, a black bag cut up to cover the floor so as not to create mess and a baby hat one of the cleaners had knitted for me was the only baby clothing I had. I was ready and so was the baby I couldn't resist the urge to push anymore and moving was becoming unbearable. I pulled out the tape I had taken from the caretakers office and use it to cover my mouth as the burning pain and pressure made me want to scream. I tied two of John's ties to the bed and wrapped them around my arms to use as stabilisers as I squatted over the area I had set out.

I had no idea how long I had been pushing for but I was exhausted and unable to move or answer when the door handle moved.

"Cara," I heard John call as the urge to push again blocked him out and all I could think and do was push!

I didn't hear the other calls of my name and as the door was booted open I was trying not to scream as I pushed with all my might and felt the head crowning.

"Cara," John said falling his knees in front of me. "GORDON!" he yelled. "It's ok. I'm back. You're not alone and you don't have to be quite. If you need to scream you can," he replied as he started to remove the tape from my mouth.

"Oh shit," Gordon said as he entered the room.

Tears of relief fell as I looked at John and knelt of all fours for a rest.

"She taped herself up so as not to cry out," John informed Gordon. "No one has helped her. Pass me that bottle of water."

"What is all this?" Gordon replied as he looked around.

"Make shift home birthing kit I think," John replied as he held the water to my mouth. "You better call the doctor and google home birthing quick as we are in unknown territory here," John said as I whimpered and began to rock with the urge to push again.

"Is the baby's head crowning?" Gordon asked a minute or two later as he had the doctor on the phone.

"Oh god I don't know," John said sounding shocked.

"Well get down there and look," Gordon replied.

"You look," John said as I pushed again and tried not to scream.

"She is your wife get down there," Gordon said.

"She doesn't want me down there," John replied.

"Sexually yes... but when she is having your baby you better get down there and help deliver your child," Gordon replied.

"Oh fuck!" John said, sighing as he moved to look. "Urrrghhhh," I don't know what is happening down there... is it... well unrecognisable and looks painful," John replied. "Oh god I feel sick!," he said.

"Fucking move out the way. Fine time to get squeamish," Gordon replied and as he went to look I couldn't help but push. "Ahhhh, erm Doc there is definite crowning. Oh my god... look," he said down the phone to the doc and to John who brave another look.

"Fuck!" John replied as I pushed again.

"He said to hold her up so gravity can do most of the work," Gordon replied.

"No," I said pushing them away in panic as I knew what was going to happen next.

"Sorry baby but we have too," John said as he and Gordon hauled me up.

I growled as pushed and they tried to hold me up by my arms.

"It's gone back up," Gordon shouted to the doctor who was now on loud speaker.

"She needs to push one after the other no break!" the doctor said.

"Oh no wait I am not happy with that she is exhausted already," John said.

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