M.U.S.E Chapter 29

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I was in my element with the kids and Charlie actually didn't mind me picking him up. He stared at me puzzled before smiling and giving me a huge kiss.

"He does that to Daddy," Aimee said.

I beamed with joy.

I took them to the beach. The phone rang.

"Hello," I said to John.

"What hospital was Finn treated at?" he asked. I told him. "What date?" he asked. I told him and answered all the other questions before he hung up.

Charlie loved the sea and his little feet went wild in the water. Aimee swam about, she was swimming! She kept telling me Charlie could swim but I was not convinced. I took them for something to eat and Charlie leant forward in the pushchair John had left outside for him and sat open mouthed waiting for food that he swallowed so quick I could hardly keep up.

I took them back to the caravan for a rest as Charlie was tired. They both had a nap and I sat staring at them when my phone rang again.

"When was Finn's traumatic event?" he asked. I told him. "Was someone killed?" he asked. "Yes," I answered. "Did he know them?" he asked. "Yes," I replied. "Were they close?" he asked. "Yes," I replied. "How would you describe the relationship?" he asked. "Father figure?" I replied. "Was he killed in front of him?" he asked. "No but he saw the body," I replied and tried not the cry. "Was his name Darren?" John asked shocking me. "Mmm hmm," I said unable to speak. "How many intruders were there?" he asked. I couldn't speak. He gave me a minute before repeating the question. "Three in the front room.... And one... came around back," I said through the tears. "Weapons used were guns and knives?" John asked sounding confused. "I used the knives," I replied. "Did you kill them?" he asked. "Yes," I replied. "In front of Finn?" he asked. "No I hid him in a cupboard but he got out when the other man attacked me and...," I couldn't finish the sentence as sick rose in my throat I dropped the phone and ran to the kitchen sink.

The phone call was disconnected when I tried to return the call it just rang out.

An hour or so later John arrived early. Shit!

"The kids are asleep," I said as he entered the caravan.

"Good," he said. "I've come to speak to you, anyway."

"Where is Finn?" I asked.

"Having Physio," he replied.

"Where?" I asked.

"I flew back here by helicopter. That is a hire car," John said.

"Oh," I replied. That was how he got about so quick.

"I need to know what happened," John said. "We think we can get Finns voice back if you just tell me what happened so I have something to work with."

I shook my head unable to speak.

"Lets get a coffee and sit down," John said as he started to make the drinks.

"I don't want to talk about it," I said panicking.

"We have been through some shit together, right?" John asked.

I nodded.

"I give great cuddles, right?" he asked.

I smiled. "If memory serves," I replied.

He put the drinks on the table.

"Let me refresh your memory," he said wrapping his arms around me. I couldn't help but wrap my arms around his waist and close my eyes as my head rested against his chest. I felt safe, protected and as John settled us on the sofa, he just held me and sat in silence until I was ready.

"Ok, I'm ready," I said.

"Just say it all at once, like describing a scene from a film," he suggested. "Remove yourself from it. Just review it."

I took a deep breath, "Darren was my boyfriend, we lived together for a few months which is why they were close. Finn liked playing on a shooting game and always beat Darren's high score, getting a faster and higher score every time. It was an ongoing joke and they teased each other about it. Finn was playing the game and beating Darren's score again so he told him to pause the game and go wash up for dinner as Finn used to get obsessed with the game and he was hard to get off. But he did as he was asked and came into the bedroom to me so I could help him wash his hands. Darren went to answer the door, we thought it was his mother. I should have known her knock but I was distracted and failed to recognise the urgency and malice in that knock as I would today. I heard the popping of the gun silencer, the sound of Darren hitting the floor. I knew we were in danger and Darren was dead so I ran with Finn to try to get out but with carrying him and covering his mouth I forgot his eyes were open and he saw the body. He knew from the game that Darren was dead. We couldn't get out. I had to defend us. I put Finn in a cupboard and some how I knew what to do. I heard three voices talking crudely about Darren and what they wanted to do to me when they found me. I took the knives, walked into the room and killed them. I killed them so quickly. Too quick. I was like the terminator. I just lost control but at the same time was so focused. I threw the knives, when the gun dropped I took it and shot them. I checked Darren but as I had suspected he was dead the moment his hand touched that door handle. I was grabbed from behind by the hair as another man came out of nowhere. I heard a gun shot and he dropped to the ground. I looked up thinking I would see you, I don't know why. Maybe its because you keep rescuing me."

"I would have. Had I known," John replied. "Who had the gun?"

"Finn," I replied.

John cursed under his breath.

"I picked him up and left before anyone else came," I said as I felt the relief of getting to say in out loud. "He hasn't spoken since then and doesn't like guns on TV or violence of any kind so please be careful what he sees or you will have hell to pay," I warned him.

"I want you to come home. We need you to come home. Even for a little while whilst I sort things out," he said. "It's just you me and the kids. No one else. You can have your own room or the summer house or I can put you up in a hotel somewhere nearer."

It was tempting. I didn't feel he was a threat anymore and I curious what kind of father he was with the children. Was he strict? A pushover?

"Come on before you change your mind," he said taking my lack of response as a yes, and pulled me up.

Before I knew it he had the kids and me strapped in the car and we were driving to an airstrip.

On the way Charlie woke and cried, his cry was so different from before. It was a grown up babies cry not a new born.

John reached in the back with one arm and pulled a rucksack onto his lap as he drove. He rummaged around and found a bottle, a carton of juice, he opened the bottle, stuck the straw in the carton and squirted it into the bottle.

"Here you go," John said reaching a hand through to the back and passing Charlie the bottle of juice. Charlie stopped crying and guzzled away. Then starting crying again, this time it was 'Da, da, da'. "Daddy will cuddle you in a minute," John said pulling into the airport. "Oooo look plane," he said but Charlie got hysterical and in the end John reached in the back, undid the buckle and hauled Charlie one handed onto his lap. Charlie was obviously used to this as he straddled John and snuggled up to his chest whilst John adjusted his seatbelt to cover them both. Kissing Charlie's head as he drove slow and used non steering arm to hold Charlie's bottle in.

Aimee slept through it all.

Charlie stared and me and I smiled. He turned his head to the other side, shy and let out a few more whines. John soothed him with some more kisses as we pulled into a hanger.

I got out dubious as John got out with Charlie, adjusted him and opened the door for Aimee. She climbed out and he scooped her up with his other arm. "Mummy," she whined.

"Mummy is here too. We are all going home now," he said and as I watched him with his arms filled with our children I felt I was doing the right thing... at least for now.

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