M.U.S.E Chapter 6

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Months later.

"Mummy, he's not here," Aimee cried. "He's not coming," she sobbed.

"He didn't say he was coming," I said to her. "You've got yourself all worked up but daddy didn't say he was coming."

"He sent me a pretty dress," she said.

"We don't know that it was daddy who sent you the dress for your birthday," I said as it was just a package delivered by a courier with no sender info or card.

"He did, I know he did," she cried. "And he has to see me in it," she reasoned.

"You look beautiful," I said stroking her hair. "Now come on no more tears or they will ruin your dress. Everyone is waiting. You can got out on that stage and show it off to everyone during your recital. They will all want a daddy as wonderful as yours who sends them beautiful dresses."

She looked towards the stage entrance and took a deep breath.

"Ok I'm going to sit in audience and watch you. I will be clapping loudest," I said forcing a smile for her.

"Ok," she said and let out a big sigh before walking towards the stage.

I hurried out to my front row seat and sat there nervously waiting.

"And now to play Shubert's rendition of Ave Maria on the Piano is 4 year old Miss Aimee Cole," the teacher announced. She walked out with the music teacher and took a bow before turning to climb up on the stool. The teacher placed the pedal heighteners under her feet and then left the stage. "Happy birthday Aimee, that is a very pretty dress, you look beautiful" she said and everyone clapped.

She sat in front of the piano and I waited for her to start. I waited and the seconds felt like hours before she burst into tears, "I want my daddy," she sobbed as the teacher ran on stage to comfort her. I was about to get up and go on stage when someone walked up the aisle and onto the stage.

It was him. He was here. I watched in awe as he bent down beside her and whispered to her. She nodded. He wiped away her tears with a tissue from his pocket and gave her a kiss and cuddle. Everyone was making cooing noises at how cute they were. He hopped back off the stage and sat in the empty seat next to me, gracing my lips with a kiss and whispered apology for being late. She looked over to check he was there. He nodded for her to start.

She took a deep breath and I realised I was still holding mine from before. She gave him one quick look again as he took my hand in his and the observant little madam spotted it and turned back towards the piano and started to play. She was amazing. I snuck a sideways glance at him. He was enchanted by her. The music filled the room and everyone in the room was silent as she brought her piece to an end.

Everyone stood and clapped as she took her bow and then launched herself off the stage into her fathers arms making everyone laugh and applaud her cuteness as she gave him a huge kiss right on the lips. We moved into the corridor so as not to disturb anyone.

"Did you like it daddy?" she asked.

"Like it, I LOVED it," he replied and she hugged herself to him tightly.

"You clapped louder than mummy," she said with a smile. "Can we go home now mummy?" she asked.

"I think we have to wait for the end of the recitals," I said.

"I don't want to," she said. "I want to be with daddy before he goes to work again," she said.

Cole... I mean John looked at me and I shrugged.

"I'll collect your things," I said as I went to pick her coat etc up and they waited for me. As I collected the items I stole glances at them both as he danced her around to the music playing from another recital and she swirled around in her dress. She looked so tiny next to him.

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