Part Twenty Two

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A/N Sorry at the delay with this chapter. I've had a weekend away and unfortunately it was in an internet black spot. Back home now and the chapters are flowing so hopefully will have a few quick updates, xxx

Chapter Twenty Two

For a split second Lizzie could feel the whole length of Oscar pinned against her, heavy thighs trapping hers, taut abs mirroring her own, and that broad chest squashing her own breasts flat. But then his lips took over, and all she could feel was his mouth, the warmth, and then the tingles that spread through her body. Her pounding heart deafened her, and those amazing lips enchanted her...then his tongue slid into her mouth and any semblance of sanity fled. To be replaced by hunger, desperation. Never could she ever remember needing something as much as she needed this kiss to keep going. Like oxygen.

She'd had three previous boyfriends, and none of them held a candle to this man, no one had ever kissed her before if this was a kiss...and it was. Any other experienced faded into insignificance.

Oscar moaned into her mouth, his elbows were balancing him, pinned tightly at her sides, but his hands reached out, fingers stretching, fanning into her hair, as he angled his head over hers, devoured her more completely. She was a goner. This was heaven, it had taken twenty seven years, but she had finally found that sense of desire, fulfilment. Everything that romance novels had promised her, but she'd failed to even have a hint of.

Then she heard it, rather faint at first, but growing louder in just a couple of seconds. Darth Vader's tune from Star Wars. The TV was off, so she knew it was his phone.

"Oscar," she gasped against his lips.

He merely grunted, "ignore it", as he sucked her bottom lip between his teeth.

She moaned, arching up into him, and it was once again beyond her control. But still the tune kept playing. As she glanced towards the coffee table, he took the opportunity to trail his lips in seductive kisses across her jaw to her ear ...just when she thought it couldn't get better he melted every inch of her resolve by sucking softly at her ear lobe.

Then the phone started to ring again, Darth Vader disturbing them once more. She glanced again at the coffee table, and the phone was flashing, so she reached out to grab it, "it could be important..."

Her eyes glanced at the screen at the exact second his lips left her ear, and her body tensed...she knew he could feel that.

"Shit...Lizzie, it's not what you think..."

She laughed a sad sound as she slid out, fighting her way from under him, tossing his phone on to the sofa she'd vacated. "Krystal? Your girlfriend is phoning as you are..." She shuddered at the thought of what almost happened. "Nothing like a reality check." She straightened her clothes trying to garner up her inner strength, "saying that, she's a lucky girl..."

She gave him a dazzling smile, and then walked as calmly as she could to the room until she collapsed behind the closed door and held off her tears. She was such a fool, when would she ever learn to trust her instincts?

Oscar called out to Lizzie, but the slamming of her bedroom door was the only answer. He could storm over there, force the door open and make her face him, but he wasn't sure what he wanted to. He had no idea what to say, that kiss...Shit! It had been one hell of a kiss...literally earth shattering. He'd never felt so...out of his depth.

Krystal, he could kill her, why NOW? She'd avoided him for the past week, since their fight, probably because she knew he'd spell it out to her that it was over...instead, he'd let it stay as an ill concluded mess, that had bit him firmly on the arse.

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