Part Fifty Seven

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Chapter Fifty Seven

"You sure you're ok?"

Lizzie nodded, and smiled at Oscar across the table. He had spent the whole of the night worshipping her and pleasuring her...she blushed just thinking about it. "I'm fine, I forgive you...we get on with things, ok? That was the deal. You keep forgetting the agreements we make, hey?"

Oscar smiled, "I just feel like I overstepped a mark...I'm sorry about that, ok?"

"You keep saying. I understand why you did it, I'm over it. Let's forget that there are any members of the Breen family other than me."

That made him sigh and he was silent as he picked up his coffee mug and drained it. She could feel his reticence, but she didn't have any agenda, she meant what she said.

He wants to marry me. That thought had been in her mind for every conscious moment...though he'd done his best to spend most of the night without a coherent thought. But marriage...she couldn't wait for him to take Nate to school so that she could even begin to think what that meant. Because he was overwhelming her every sense and she was struggling to process it all.

When her focus returned from her daydream, he was watching her intently, a smirk hinting at his lips. Almost as if knew what she was thinking. Fortunately a five year old boy caused enough to distraction that she could hide behind.

An hour later, Oscar called her. He had a meeting in the city, but he wanted to meet her afterwards. She wasn't exactly enamoured at the rethought of travelling into the city centre by public transport, and she had planned on a long hopefully contemplative bath. Instead, she had a quick shower, and twenty minutes on a bus filled with strangers. A million miles from the Zen-like state she'd envisaged.

Oscar was sat at a café in the centre of Manchester, his laptop open on the table in front of him, his head bowed, eyes trained on the screen. She had the luxury of watching him, without him realising. It was a treat, but she realised she wasn't the only one. A group of women sat in the window were less than discreet in the way they ogled him.

She ordered a skinny latte, and her voice alerted him to her presence. Oscar slammed the lid on his laptop and skipped over to her.

"Let me get this." He wafted a twenty pound note in front of the barista, and Lizzie smiled as he slung his arm around her. "You look edible, Miss Breen."

His breath against her ear made her shiver, and as she chuckled, she took pleasure in the look on the faces of the women who had been casting eyes at him a few moments earlier.

As the coffee was produced, he grabbed it, then led her to his nearby table. "How's your morning been?"

She shrugged, "hadn't really got into doing anything before I was summonsed into town."

He grinned, "it's for a good reason, I promise."

She cocked an eyebrow at him, and he laughed, "you don't trust me?"

"Haven't we had this conversation before? Of course I do."

Oscar nodded, "good. Because I've arranged for us to meet our lawyers."

That made her stop dead, "why?"

Leaning forward he kissed her on the cheek, "because we are going to formalise things with Nate. I'm going to become his father, and legally, you will become his mother."

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