Part Twenty Eight

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Chapter Twenty Eight

Nate was sat at the table messily eating his cereal; Lizzie was sipping from a mug of coffee and trying to contain her anxiety, when she felt the mood change. Oscar was up. She wasn't sure how he was going to deal with her running away the previous night. But she was sure that she wasn't about to disintegrate in front of him.

"HI Dad!" Nate broke the silence, and Oscar crossed the kitchen to give him a kiss on the head. It was amazing how quickly the barriers had fallen and they were both naturally intimate with each other, just as parents and children should be. But it still melted her heart.

Nate looked at him, a huge beaming grin on his face, "will you take me to school Dad, please?"

Oscar nodded, "of course mate. I'd love to."

Lizzie had listened to the conversation as she turned to wash the breakfast dishes. But she felt Oscar move behind her, when he reached to the cupboard for a mug, he brushed her arm with his and she flinched, her whole body reacting to that warmth. He eyeballed her, giving her a quiet tut, and then moved to fill it.

It took at least five minutes for her heart to return to its normal resting level.

Only then could she turn around to look at him, her composure regained.

"Do you want your Dad to pick you up too?"

Nate nodded enthusiastically, the joy evident on his face; Lizzie ignored the pain that caused, the lance through her heart. She'd never be his mother, and she'd never be enough. That saddened her beyond belief.

"Maybe we'll both collect you," Oscar cut into her thoughts. "I can treat you both to dinner, how does that sound?"

As Nate gushed excitedly, Lizzie wanted to cry, because it sounded like hell, pure torture. She opened her mouth to say something, but Oscar chose that moment to stare at her and she lost her nerve. Instead, she gave a tilt of her head then headed out to organise school bag, shoes and coat.

"You can't avoid me...or ignore me."

Nate had run upstairs to clean his teeth, and that left Lizzie exposed, alone in the hallway. When she glanced up, Oscar was leaning against the doorway to the lounge, watching her...closely. She felt the heat rush up her face, but couldn't back down.

"We're housemates, I can do neither. Can you remember the way to school?"

As she said that she started to walk away from him, back into the safety of the house.

Nate ran down the stairs and gave her a big kiss, "see you later Aunty Lizzie!"

Reaching for Oscar's hand, he dragged him to the door, and she stood frozen watching him skip along the road his hand firmly grasping his father's. She was losing him, every day a step more and she had nothing left without him, she had no idea what to do.

Oscar took ages to get away from the school drop off; it seemed that the gossipmongers and mothers in the yard liked seeing a new face. His idea of hell, but Nate's face as he skipped off into the classroom made everything worthwhile.

Without the need to act calm, his anger mounted with every step he made in the direction of his current home. He had to confront Lizzie before things got out of hand, he wasn't happy agreeing that the previous night was a one off. He hadn't been able to get it...or her out of his head. He needed more, he needed a repeat, he needed more time with her.

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