Part Thirty Four

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Chapter Thirty four

Oscar watched Lizzie from his seat across the room. Nate was dictating. He'd chosen his favourite cartoon as his before bed watching, so they were all sat in the lounge waiting for Tom to catch Jerry, or more likely the opposite. His parents had loved seeing Nate again, and the dinner at a local pub had been pleasant. If they'd been concerned about Lizzie's absence, his parents didn't comment. As it was Friday the following day, they were staying again. They were desperate to spend time with their grandson, and Oscar had tentatively thought about taking Lizzie out on Saturday. But today really hit home how vulnerable she was, how much he needed to treat her gently, show her understanding.

After the meal, when they got back to the house, she looked much better, calmer. Sat in her favourite armchair, a cup of tea in her hands.

"Good meal?"

Nate nodded and flew to her, and putting down her mug quickly, she'd opened her arms to him, "I had sausages with chips and lots of tomato sauce!"

She smiled burying her face into his hair, "sounds like you were spoilt."

He laughed, planting a kiss on her cheek, "and I had ice cream...I just wanted to share it with you."

She groaned, "I'm sorry darling. I was tired."

He shrugged, "that's ok. Can I watch TV?"

Which is how they came to be watching cartoons at seven pm.

At just after seven, Lizzie stood, "come on then trooper. Time for bed. Give your Dad a kiss."

Oscar gave him a huge hug, then set him back on his feet, "be good."

He nodded then followed Lizzie upstairs.

When she returned, he was sat in the lounge once more, he'd change out of his work suit, and had jeans and a very worn Buffalo Sabres t-shirt on. She found her eyes were fixed on him as she crossed the room; he seemed to carry everything he wore so well, he could be a model. But whilst he looked amazing in a suit, it was dressed casually that really made her swoon. Today, that t-shirt, those jeans that hugged his thighs...she was melting without him touching her.

"You feeling a little better?" he asked as she retook her seat opposite him.

She nodded, "things are falling back into place."

He gave a knowing nod, then smiled, "you look happier."

Again she nodded, "well I've cleared out another few feet of space in the bedroom." Her smile faltered as she added, "and I've planned going back to work. Maybe next week."

Oscar's eyes widened, "what? I thought you were taking some time."

"I did, I have. I can't be off work forever you know."

He leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees, "I know that. But you were in pieces just a few hours ago. I really think you should reconsider. Give yourself some time. Work out what you want to do."

Lizzie sighed at that, she wasn't ever one to do what she wanted to do. Could she make that change now? Instead she shrugged and reached for her second mug of tea and sipped at it.

"My parents are hanging around for a couple more nights. They've got friends nearby and they want to spend more time with Nate. So I was thinking of taking you out again, maybe Saturday afternoon?"

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