Part Thirty Five

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Chapter Thirty Five

Lizzie wasn't sure that she wasn't about to pass out, run away, or die on the spot. She was pressed against Oscar's body, her hands had slid around his body, and whilst they were linked across his stomach, she could feel the pressure of his erection just a fraction away from them. That made her legs shake, but the fact that he was so hard, so ready, that he still wanted her so badly, that spurred her on.

She kept her lips where they were, between his shoulder blades, against his warm skin. Heaven, she didn't need more than that, but if she got more, she'd be happier than she could imagine.

His fingers linked over hers, pressing her hands into his stomach and he sighed as she nipped at his skin.


She chuckled against his skin, but then he broke the contact as he turned in her embrace. She kept her eyes low, watching his shoulders become his broad chest, she longed to run her hands over him, but their hands were still entwined. He dropped one hand, then lifted a hand to her chin, raising her head so that he could look at her.

"Lizzie, are you sure?"

She shrugged, suddenly so self conscious, "it's like you said, we've done this before."

He lifted his other hand to frame her face, "nope, we've fallen into shit before, this...this is planned...wanted...needed. We are consenting, agreeing..." He smiled, "I need to know that this is what you want."

She had to think for a long moment as she stood there in front of him in her underwear. Did she trust him? That was what he was asking. Did she want him? Within moments she knew that the answer to both was yes.

So she nodded, "I trust you."

She could've said so much more, but his eyes lit up at that, then he dropped his lips to hers.

It was desperate, aggressive, yet passionate and special. She was ravished by his lips, his teeth and his tongue, but she wasn't a passive spectator, she was an equal, devouring him as hungrily as he was attacking her.

"Upstairs," he breathed against her neck. "Too dangerous here."

He was right, if Nate walked in they'd have nowhere to hide, at least in bed they could pull a duvet over themselves, and hide what was happening from the little man. There were things that he didn't need to see, plus she didn't want to confuse him. Not yet. But stepping away from him, it made her feel vulnerable all over again. As she hesitated, he seemed to read her mind, and without a second thought, scooped her up into his arms.

"I'm too heavy," she protested, trying to cover her body with her arms.

He merely shook his head, "you're tiny. Now, arms around my neck. No hiding."

Her heart pounded with anxiety, but this was happening, there was nothing she could do, it was hardly like she could hide from him.

Oscar kicked the bedroom door closed behind him, so glad that Nate hadn't woken, he was about to burst through his shorts, and that was not the sight for a four year old. In the sanctuary of her room, he let her slither down his body. Holding her close.

"You have no idea of what I want to do to you."

Her eyes widened as he slid his hands up her body, over her hips, her waist until they settled on her ribs, below her breasts.

"Don't be shy, not now..."

She shook her head, "I'm not, but you scare me."

That cut him to the core, "I won't hurt you."

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