Chapter 4 Brooks Plan

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Brook POV:

Me and Sam went to the mall we had bags everywhere. Sam and I brought the bags to the car. Sam asked:" Hey B should we go get some shots before we go back??" I smirked and said:" Sure! Anything to piss of Nathan!

Sam shaked her head smiling lightly. Then Sam practically shouted:" Omg I almost forgot! Here is your phone, don't do anything stupid. He can see what you do on your phone. When anything happens you call Nathan straight away K?" I nodded. Hey well at least I won't get bored! I yelled:" NOW LET'S GET DRUNK!"

She laughed. We went to the bar Sam got a four shots while I got orange juice now your probably wondering why I said before I just wanted to have a bit free time without Nathan, he's eyes  practically hypnotize me!

Sam is starting to get drunk. Sam said:" Hey B ne-ed to toil-ette.."slurring a bit. I said:"Sure I'll wait." I followed her to the toilette and waited beside the door. Then a quite attractive man leaned beside me and introduced:" Hey I'm John! And you are??"

I answered:" Oh hey I'm Brook." He holded up his hand and asked:" Can I have this dance with you?" I answered unsurely:" Ehmm I'm sorry but I'm waiting for a friend." Just on time Sam popped out of the toilette. He then asked:" Do you guys wanna go outside for a walk? The air in here is getting thick." We both agreed.

We walked through the meadow. Suddenly I felt something hard hit me on the head. Sam got hit to she passed out fast because she is drunk.John was fighting but gave up and passed out. My vision is staring to get blurry. I had to fight the urge falling asleep.

I then pretended to be passed out. A man picked me up and practically threw us in the car. When I wouldn't be pretending to be passed out I would have punched them in them in the face! When I heard the door close. I took out the phone which was hidden in my long cardigan.

I took out the phone and called Nathan he was shouting something he finally understood what I was doing. He shut up. I heard the guys give directions. I recognized Johns voice THAT STUPID BASTARD!

 I quickly wrote a message to Nathan I gave him the directions that those man gave the driver and quickly sent it to Nathan I heard someone ask I think his name was John to go see if we are awake. I quickly hid the phone and pretended to be asleep. He opened the door and said:" They are still sleeping I must say Nathan has taste in girls, cause damn shes hot!"

I felt disgusted I held back a gag. Then suddenly I felt water hit me. Then I heard someone groan. I slowly peeled my eyes I opened and decided to play dumb so I said:" Omg John we have to get out of here!" and started to pull his hand to make it look more realistic. He chuckled:" You are so naiv. I can't believe you actually got out with me."

I AM NOT NAIVE YOUR LUCKY I'M PLAYING DUMB!! Instead I said:" What but-" he shut me up by smacking my face and dragged Sam and me to a abandon house and tied as down. As John left. Sam said:" We have to get out of here!"

I chuckled lightly  and told her what I did. She said:" Damn B your smart! Now we have to wait for them to come and get us. I hope they find us fast! Its fucking creepy in here!" For the first time  in my life I hope  Nathan will come fast.

We waited which felt like hours I slowly lost hope before I completely lost hope the door banged open with a very pissed of Nathan, Alex and Jay. Nathan quickly untied us. Sam and I stretched our sour muscle. That felt so good.

Nathan said furious:" I told you two to come straight back after the mall! I would have gave you a lesson but I guess this was enough. Now get in the car." Nathan and Sam walked ahead. Then suddenly someone grabbed my arm and yanked me to them. I'm really pissed so I punched him square in the jaw and kicked his manhood. He fell to the floor while holding his manhood.

I let my anger out on him while I was punching him mutliply time he started to grab a knife but his hold was light since he was weakened I easily  threw it across the floor. I gave him one last kick in his manhood before he passed out.

As I turned around I saw their jaw on the floor. I would have laughed my ass of but right now instead I gave them a smirked and got in the car. Everybody got in the car. I am so exhausted. Slowly I drifted to sleep. Until darkness consume me.



Sorry this chapter is so short but I hope you guys still like it.

See ya next chapter^-^


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