Finding Mila

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The figure behind her held her body firmly in one arm while holding the bag over her head with the other. Mila's kicks and screams went unnoticed and soon she lost consciousness. The person holding her dragged her to his vehicle and placed her in the back seat before driving away.


The Joker anxiously looked at the clock, his teeth grinding in anticipation.

"She's late!" He roared.

"Puddin, there might be traffic on the way. You did tell her to drive slow," Harley said in an effort to reassure him.

"Two hours, Harls, she should have been home two hours ago," he sneered.

Harley sighed and stopped her efforts. She was just as worried but expressing it now would be futile. She did wonder why she wasn't home yet but the Joker expressed anxiety enough for two people.

Grabbing his phone, he dialed her number again, but after a few rings the line would go straight to voicemail. He growled and dialed again, this time to Frost.

"Boss?" Frost said as soon as he answered.

"I want you to go look for the Vaydor. Mila took it to the airport, she's not back yet. She was supposed to be back two hours ago!" The Joker growled. He dreaded sounding like a worried father because that would imply he cared. But he really did care and he really was worried.

That was his daughter after all, the girl who had proved herself constantly to him.

She belonged to him. It was a nature of possession more than an idea. He had to have her back here with him.

Once he hung up, he sent out all the remaining of his henchmen to scope the city and to keep their eyes peeled for his flashy purple car.

"You don't think she went with Ember, do ya puddin?" Harley asked cautiously.

The Joker stopped what he was doing on the phone and looked up at Harley. After a few seconds of remaining still, deep in concentration, he burst out laughing.

"Well if she did, I'll make sure she regrets ever stepping foot in that asylum in the first place."


It was dark. Quiet.

As she finally came to, Mila slowly looked up, trying her best to unscramble her thoughts and remember where she was. Remember what was done to her.

She gasped as she sat up quickly, getting dizzy from her sudden outburst. She was alone. She seemed to be in what looked like a prison cell. One bed attached to the wall, a toilet and sink fixture, and metal bars surrounding the small 10 x 12 cell she was in. 

Looking down, she saw she had been stripped of her sweater, only left in her small white tank top and jeans. Remembering she had left her phone in the large sweater, her eyes quickly filled with tears. She fell down on her butt and hugged her knees, trying to keep herself warm and safe against the strange vibes of the cold room. 

She didn't know how this had happened but she knew her father had many enemies and finding her alone was opportune for any of them. 


Alex looked up at his father entering the room, a calm look on his face, as usual.

He didn't say a word. Once his father made eye contact with him, Alex glanced back down at his laptop. They hadn't spoken two words since the encounter with Joker. He didn't know why he was upset with his dad but his conflicting feelings for Mila threw him off. He knew what he had to do, side with his father, but Mila was perfect for him. She was nothing like the Joker, or Harley, or anyone that his father had squared off with in the past.

"Son." Bruce acknowledged as he walked past him. Alex glanced at his father walking past him, his eyes traveling to where his father went. Picking up a box, Bruce dropped something in it. Alex had never seen the box before but it looked expensive. It was adorned with beads and jewels and looked more like a jewelry box than anything. Once Bruce put the box back, he walked back out of the room.

Alex watched his father walk out the door and close it once again. Shaking his head, he took out his phone once again. 

Mila seemed just as upset about the predicament with their parents. But she must have been feeling the same way as him if she dared even write back to him.

His heart ached but he knew he had to make things right, if not between their parents, then between them. 


"Well?!" The Joker barked as he walked with Frost to the dark SUV. It had been a few hours now but he couldn't wait. He was set on kill mode and he'd do whatever was necessary to bring his daughter back from wherever she was.

"Nothing yet Boss. Mike and Josh are on a plane to the UK now, they said they'd send me status reports every hour or so. Meanwhile, Axel and Quinn are in Gotham sending 'messages' to our mobster friends. Rock, Alba, and their crew are scoping the districts. We are leaving no stone untouched." Frost reported. The Joker listened as he clutched on the door of the SUV. With a nod, he jumped inside and slammed the door shut.

"What are we doin'?" Frost asked as he turned the car on.

"We're goin' for a drive." The Joker said as he looked ahead.


Alex had been staring at his phone for the past hour. He had been thinking long and hard about Mila's last text but he didn't know how to reply to it.

Mila: Our parents...

He scoffed and clutched his phone tighter. 

'I love you' he typed quickly in frustration. Before he could hit send, he looked down at his text. 

She knew he loved her, and he knew she loved him. Closing his eyes he wanted to attempt thinking rationally even if for just a second. He wanted to tell her more than just an I love you. What good would it do? It was obvious.

Alex: I don't care about what our parents say, Mila. I will fight this. I will do anything to make sure you know how much I am willing to love you. But we need to do this together...even if it means leaving this all behind and starting anew. 

He sent the message. Feeling his heart pound against his chest, he stared at his phone, waiting for her response.

A few short seconds later though, a sound chimed suddenly, causing him to jolt in surprise. It didn't come from his phone. Looking around he noticed no other cell phones were around him. 

The ringing sounded endlessly and so he followed the sound to the source. Looking up to where the jeweled box was, Alex grabbed it and put it on the desk before him. Opening it, he saw a cell phone with the words "Alex <3" displayed on the screen.

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