The Sleeping baby

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Alex screamed as he took the fallen person in his arms.

When the Joker opened his eyes, his body went numb. The gun dropped to the floor and he scrambled to the figure now lying helpless in Alex's arms. Mila had jumped in front of the gun on time, taking the bullet to her abdomen. Her breathing was ragged and tears ran down her cheeks despite her unconscious state.

The Joker's own eyes filled with tears as he grabbed Mila and stood up, quickly walking to the SUV mumbling something under his breath. As soon as Frost saw the Joker advance toward him with an unresponsive and bleeding Mila, he felt his chest tighten. The poor young woman was a victim. Bruce watched as they left. He was angry but relieved that his son was't the recipient of that bullet.

Alex stood up slowly with tears in his eyes and walked back past Bruce and the dark figure, shoving them with his shoulder but not saying a word.

Meanwhile, in the car, The Joker was in the backseat with Mila, pressing down on her wound and making sure he kept her from bleeding out. His tears spilled freely out of his eyes as his fingers fumbled with his phone.

"H-Harley..." He stuttered, trying hard not to burst into tears.

"Puddin? What's wrong? What happened?" Harley asked in a worried tone over the phone.

"Get the doctor there...I'll be home soon." The Joker said in a low voice and hung up.

He could barely breathe, why did he feel this way?
He had always questioned his feelings when it came to Mila, ever since the day she was born.

"Oh puddin, she's perfect!" Harley exclaimed as she held the bundle in her arms. Looking down at the newborn, she couldn't help but grin ear to ear despite the painful after effects of childbirth. She was strong and resilient, and right now, too engrossed in the newborn baby she had given birth to.

The Joker stood at her side, a wild grin etched on his face. He swooped in and grabbed the bundle swiftly from Harley's arms and held the baby tightly in his own.

"Yes, she is, the heir to my chaotic regime!" He laughed and sat down on the chair behind him.

"You, my little clownette, are in for quite a treat! We'll cause hell and make things go BOOM! Oh and of course, play hide and seek...with batsy!" He spoke excitedly to the baby, who now stirred in his arms.

"Puddin, ya think it's ok for her to be exposed to all of this from such an early age?" Harley asked.

"Of course! It's the best way to go! She'll learn from the very beginning the legacy we leave behind, the torture and chaos we are destined to cause...and ALL the fun we have doing it," his voice was low now and ominous as he grinned sickly down at the baby.

"What if she gets hurt?" Harley asked reluctantly.

The Joker didn't respond. Instead he looked up at Harley and studied her face. Deep inside he knew she was right, the child would grow up fucking up at some point but she'd learn from her mistakes.

"A few scrapes and bruises, Harley..." he looked disappointed. "Do you forget whose daughter she is?"

The Joker now laid Mila on his and Harley's bed as the doctor rushed in at gunpoint.
Harley watched in terror as the physician opened his bag and took out sharp instruments, bandaids, bottles. She had her hand pressing tightly on Mila's wound, where blood kept gushing through.

The Joker grabbed the doctors sleeve and pulled him up to face level.

"You better hope for your sake AND your family's sake that she survives."
Shoving the doctor towards the bed, the Joker walked to Harley and both watched as the doctor performed.

Mila's color was completely drained at this point and her breathing was practically nonexistent. The doctor had hooked her up to an IV and her heart was being monitored. He had placed a mask on her face to keep a steady flow of oxygen.

Harley whimpered and sobbed as she watched the procedure. She didn't want to see this. She tried staying strong but this was her baby.

Without a word, she was escorted out by Frost, whose own eyes were red and puffy. The Joker had his eyes fixed on Mila's face. He watched intently at her peaceful, sleeping form. He could easily see himself and Harley mixed beautifully into this human.

"Puddin? Where are you?" Harley walked through the dark halls of their hideout. It was a temporary home til they were ready to take their newborn baby to their secret residence.

Walking further she noticed a few of the Jokers men armed with rifles and silly masks standing guard.
"Any of you seen mista J?" She asked. Without a word, one of the men pointed to a room behind him.

Harley noticed it was where they had been keeping the baby's crib. She walked slowly towards the room and opened the door slightly.

Before she knew it, a dagger flew and hit the wall, just a few inches from her face. She gasped at the sensation but knew the source.

"It's me puddin," she said as she walked in, closing the door behind her.

The Joker was leaning over the baby's crib and had turned his head to see who the intruder was. He turned his head back to the crib and continued to do what he was doing for the past couple of hours.

Harley was a little taken aback by his actions. "Whatcha doin puddin?" She asked quietly as she approached him.

"Nothing," he said as his eyes were fixed on the baby. As Harley walked and stood next to him, she saw the baby fast asleep with a small smile on her face. Her heart fluttered at the sight and she sighed lovingly.

"She keeps smiling...laughing," the Joker mumbled. "What's going on in that little head of yours, little clown," he muttered. Harley giggled and placed her head on the Jokers shoulder.
"Isn't she perfect Puddin? She's a little bit of me and a little bit of you." She said.

The Joker chuckled and reached in to gently stroke the baby's cheek. Just then the child's face twisted to a big grin as she continued her slumber.

The doctor is in: Joker's and Harley's little clownWhere stories live. Discover now