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Stomping down the long, seemingly never-ending hallway, Alex held tightly onto Mila's phone. His anger had reached incredible heights as he realized what was happening. As he approached his father's office, he gripped the doorknob and pushed it open with such force, the door came off the hinges.

Bruce immediately looked up from his desk in shock and surprise.


Without a word, Alex threw Mila's phone on the desk right in front of Bruce. When Bruce looked down and saw the phone, he immediately stood up.

"Son, I..."

"What the fuck dad.." Alex said as he leaned down over the desk, supporting himself with both arms.

"You need to listen," Bruce said.

"Where is she?!" Alex asked with such heat and anger, he felt tears pool in his eyes from how much he resisted tearing his father apart.

"You know where I put her..." Bruce said as he looked down at the phone.

Alex grabbed the phone again and began to walk out the door.

"Son, wait!" Bruce said. Alex stopped dead in his tracks, his fists balled in anger. Turning around, he watched his father with red eyes.

"WHAT!...What do you have to say to defend the fact that you've trapped an innocent girl in the fucking batcave!?" Alex said through grit teeth.

"Innocent? We're talking about a woman who betrayed her oath as a psychiatrist and freed The Joker and Harley Quinn. They were supposed to stay in prison, that was part of the deal. Now that they're out, it was only appropriate I took her," Bruce explained calmly.

"Deal? What deal?" Alex asked. Bruce cursed himself inwardly. The deal wasn't really known by anyone except himself and the clown couple. When he stay quiet, Alex smirked and looked at him in disbelief.

"Are you even hearing yourself? You kidnapped her! You could have dropped her off at the police station if that was really your intention. WHY is she here?!" Alex asked again, growing impatient.

Bruce stayed quiet.

"You're no better than them. Batman my ass. I can't believe you'd do this," Alex sneered and rushed out, the echoing of his footsteps fading with every step he took, until it went quiet altogether.


Mila lay on the dirty floor of the cell. Her tears were dry on her cheeks and her body was numb from the cold. She was convinced this would be where she'd take her final breaths. Her thoughts consisted of her parents, the new life she had with them. How much she really did love them even though they were sick and twisted. And how much they must have loved her, if they did.

Suddenly she felt footsteps, faint at first but quickly growing louder. She kept laying down, looking at the entrance. The footsteps were now closer and there was a shadow.

A man.

Blinking a few times, she saw the undeniable figure of a man she knew walking towards her.

"Oh, baby," he spoke worrisome, "I'm here baby."

Alex quickly unlocked the cell door and flung it to the side as he rushed to her side, cradling her in his arms. Mila couldn't believe it. Gripping onto him, she cried in his warm arms, feeling an air of comfort being brought by this man.

"A-Alex..." She sobbed.

", I'm here." Alex cooed as he rocked Mila in his arms. After a few seconds he lifted her and carried her up a staircase and into the luxurious mansion he resided in, walking to his room.

"W-Where am I?" She asked as she had her head still in his neck. She was very comfortable. She never wanted him to let go.

"My home," he said as he set her down on his bed.

"How did you find me?" She asked with a fresh set of tears in her eyes. Alex leaned down to eye level and wiped away her tears with a smile.

"Baby, don't cry. I'll explain everything soon." He said as he hugged her again, causing her sobs to die down.

"Can we please call my parents?" She asked taking a fistful of his shirt and pulling in confusion.

Alex quickly placed her phone on her lap. "Yes, and I'll take you home," he said as he kissed her cheek. Mila felt herself heat up but she was so traumatized that she couldn't revel in the moment for too long.

As Mila was dialing for her mother, the entire house was suddenly rocked by an explosion. Out of instinct, Alex jumped over Mila and covered her as a string of several loud sounds were heard once again.

"Fuck," Alex hugged her tightly. A few short seconds later, the loud booms had died down but there was one distinct voice that made both Mila and Alex look to one another in surprise.


The doctor is in: Joker's and Harley's little clownWhere stories live. Discover now