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Your POV

A bit before lunch break ended, I sent pantie shots to Info-kun but he didn't seem to know anything about my situation. He just asked me if I'm on drugs.

It looks like the only way out is to kill someone. (A/n: This is starting to sound like Danganronpa cx)

I returned back to class thinking of different ways to kill someone. As the teacher was explaining I saw Sakyu Basu passing by our classroom, probably going to infirmary. If I remember correctly, she was one of the girls hugging Senpai! So if I kill her, I'll be closer to getting out? I rose my hand, waiting for the teacher to notice.

"Yes [y/n]?" She asked.

"I think I have a headache, may I stop by the infirmary?"

"Yes of course!" She basiclly shouted.

I got up and ran to Drama club. I took the gloves from the table and hurried to the Cooking club to take the knife.

After I hid it I made my way to the infirmary. I entered slowly, realizing nurse wasn't there. Sakyu was asleep in the bed. I gulped and came closer. I rose the knife, ready to stab her. My hands were trembling, my breathing was heavy, my eyes were almost closing.

I grabbed some of the courage that was left and stabbed her. At least, I thought I did but-

"What are you doing?" A male's voice was heard.

He was behind my back holding my hands in the air containing the knife. I tilted my head back and found one and only Megamo Saikou.

"Uh... It's not mine?" I said smiling by how much I regret this idea.

"You were about to kill her!" He wispered, but in my head it was shouting.

"I had a reaso-" I didn't even get a chance to finish.

"I don't want to ruin this school's name so I won't hand you to the police just yet." He said, lowering his voice even more. "But I'll put some people in charge of monitoring you while you're in school, just in case."

"Shithead." I mumbled a convinient word I learned on internet.

"What was that?" He raised his voice in a threatening manner.

"Oh nothing! It's just that watching your ugly face for so long makes my eyes hurt." I said making as wider smile as possible.

"Watch your mouth miss!"

"[Y/n] [l/n]" I replied rather harshly.

"Well miss [l/n], get back to class and meet me after school in gymnasium. Don't be late." He said and walked away with my knife and gloves.

After that, I thought about this whole thing all over again. Is this a dream? If so, when will I wake up? Am I in some other dimension?

Bell rang interrupting my thoughts. I grabbed my things and stuffed them into my bag, noticing yet another piece of paper. These things just keep popping up out of nowhere! It seems this one contains my address. Correction. My new address.

After I changed my shoes I went to gymnasium like Megamo told me to. It seems doors were already open, and someone was there.

Should I first check who's inside? Nah. I walked in like I own the place and what I saw was-

It Wasn't Me! • Male Rivals x Reader [Yandere Simulator] Where stories live. Discover now