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Your POV

"-he had red hair, red eyes and glasses." My father spoke slowly while my eyes widened in suprise.

Was it Info-kun? But why would he do that? Then I remembered that evening.

"While you're here, I have a question. Do you remember how you got here?" He asked.

"No... Why does it matter to you?"
"So you really did forget."

I gasped and excused myself proceeding to where all the others were. From the distance I could clearly see that teachers were angry about all this. Other students didn't like the idea of being in a prank either. Megamo was explaining the situation to them while Yuriko talked to Taro and Hanako. Running my eyes over the group of students I tried to find Inffey. Where is he? In that moment I saw him leaning on a bench playing something on his phone and clearly not giving a shit about this. I ran up to him and dragged him by his arm.

"What are you doing?" He asked scowling.

I didn't answer, I kept dragging him to the place where my father was.

"I think this is the guy that carried me out of the hospital." I told my father. "Dad, meet Inffey, Inffey meet dad." I said while making weird hand gestures.

"So he's your-" My dad went on.

"Saviour? No, not really-"


I started at my dad before Inffey coughed and and realeased an annoyed 'no'."

"Anyway, Inffey you have a lot of explaining to do." I glared at Info-kun while he adjusted his glasses and began talking.

"It was part of our little agreement." He smirked. This action caused both my dad and me to stare at him in pure and utter confusion. "It just so happend that innocent litte [y/n] had some juicy information about a company you're associated with. The chairman's daughter goes to this school. And of course, since she's one of those popular kids, a lot of other girls want to take her down. They'd do almost anything to get their hands on this kind of information."

After that, next few seconds were quiet. For a moment you could hear the faint wind blowing through the trees.

"I thought I raised you better." My father looked down with a sad expression, this made a very strong feeling take over my chest. It wasn't guilt, no, far from it.

"Raised me?!! Since when did YOU raise me?!" I yelled at my father reminding myself why I kept locking myself in my room.

I haven't seen him in a while which made me forget the lonlyness. How he barely talked to me, how he didn't want to spend time with me, and then one day he just sent a maid to tell me he's getting married. My hands felt numb, my chest felt empty. I started sobbing. I didn't know why. I didn't need him all those years, why did I need him now? Why did I feel like there was something really important I forgot? My father just stood there shocked by my outburst. I felt my body being pulled into something warm.

"Let's get you back to those ten idiots." Info-kun said while he held his left hand around my shoulder. While walking he started another conversation. "You're so bipolar. Few minutes ago you were happy to see your dad and suddenly you hate him. Although, you probably have a good reason."

"Are you trying to cheer me up?" I lightly chuckeled.

"No, you owe me some information I mentioned earlier so I hoped I could got to it faster this way. But you forgot it." He quickly spoke, pushing me towards Mujo while mumbling a quiet 'see ya'.

I turned my head around to see him leave. Sighing I questioned myself. What did I forget?


As much as I'd like to comment my lack of updates there's something that happened in school that I for some reason feel like sharing. So it was on an English lesson and we were reading a text. It was one of those texts where you have to fill in some words. In this case, correct prepositions. So when I read half of what I was supposed to read (I had to read like 2 sentences) my classmates told me to slow down because they didn't catch what they had to fill in. The guy that sat in front of me said "I didn't understand her at all." and my English teacher just smiled and said "I understood her completly." After that I finished my sentence, and again everyone commented how good I can speak English (Although I really think people are exaggerating ) and the same guy from before turned around to face me and asked me where do I live because I read it without stuttering or tripping over my tongue.  (most of my classmates including him do this) I just smirked and did a sassy hair flip, and since I'm shy and rarely smile in front of teachers my classmates started laughing and saying I've gone mad. (I've gone mad a looong time ago hon) My English teacher was just sitting there smiling cx

So yeah, I'll try to update, but since those past few weeks were kinda hectic I didn't have time. (lies) Baih!

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