It's been quite a ride, huh?

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Hello dear readers

As you may or may not have noticed, my updates have been getting sparse over the last year or so, the last one being released on 18th of April 2019. I would like to clarify that I did not forget about it nor did I abandon this little endeavor of mine however I've been thinking of doing so throughout the months. A while ago I've decided to stop supporting Yandere Dev, also known as Alex who is the developer of the game, which simultaneously meant I wouldn't support Yandere Simulator anymore. (My reasoning for this is here I used to be very excited about the game back in 6th grade, I spent my free time watching all accessible videos and fanfictions and I've defended the developer of all those "malicious" accusations, however back then, I was more of an impressionable and naive teenager than I am today, in my first year of high school. For months I've been coming back to my chapter drafts and writing only to leave after few sentences because I was so tired of it, tired of doing what started as a fun adventure and turned into a chore. But even so, knowing that some people actually looked forward to this fanfiction, I've decided to try to get back on my feet. Despite my optimism, new issues have started to arise regarding Yandere Dev, issues which I just can't ignore. If I were to continue writing this I would indirectly support him and I want none of that shit.

On the very beginning of this fanfiction, I made a promise to myself that I'll finish it because at the time, there was nothing I hated more than seeing my favourite fanfictions discontinued. It seems I won't be able to keep that promise to myself. That being said, I would like to sincerely thank all of you who've for whatever reason, decided to read this book, thank you for helping my confidence (although looking back at it, the writing is really cringy) and thank you for giving me a chance.

I'm sorry if you were at some point in your life looking forward to my updates, (even just a little bit, it means a lot to me that I managed to make you happy) only to see it end like this but I feel it would be the best thing to do at the moment. I'm not going to delete my account, I still want to write and read, I am debating whether I should leave the fanfiction up or not, tho.

With all of that being said,

Thank you for following It Wasn't Me!, it was a pleasure from start to finish.

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