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Your POV

I was woken up by the rough sound of knocking. I barely crawled out of bed and dressed up quickly as the sound got louder.

"Coming!" I yelled as I ran downstairs and opened the door.

"Geez Idiot! Have you been sleeping this whole time? We're gonna be late!" Osano screamed into my face with an angry expression.

"Kay kay, give me few more minutes." I said and slammed the door shut not caring if I slammed it into his face.


Osano and I were approaching school, when we heard a disturbing discussion.

"Hey did you hear?" Girl A asked.

"Hear what?" Girl B replied.

"Sakyu Basu has been murdured yesterday after school."  Girl A said, looking a bit terrified.

"What?? Where's her sister?" You could now hear panic in Girl B's tone.

"Probably home. Anyway police are assuming it was one of the students who killed her." Girl A stated.

"One of... The s-students?" Girl B started to cry. "A-are they c-coming after us n-next?"

"Girl B calm down! They won't. Police are going to take care of that, so don't panic." Girl A hugged Girl B, calming her down.
Sakyu Basu? Didn't I try to kill her yesterday? So someone got her after my failed attempt? I was confused now. Who would want to kill her? Well except me but that doesn't count.

Instantly after Osano and I had changed our shoes, we were dragged to an empty classroom by Osoro and Aso.

"[y/n]! You killed her after our meeting, didn't you?!" Megamo furiously tapped his foot on the cold floor.

"I didn't kill anyone! I swear I went home after all of you started fighting!" I almost shouted but tryied to keep my voice down.

"And how can I know that's true?" His voice was dangerously low.

"Gosh, now I wish this school had cameras." I was losing my temper. Not that I had much before.

"Then if it wasn't you, who was it?" He was persistent.

"Well if I knew I wouldn't be here now!" I shout back, slamming my hands on the desk in front of me.

"I still think it's you." His voice was more calm now.

"And I think you're barking at the wrong tree." I muttered while gritting my teeth.

"Megamo-san? Maybe you're going a little bit overboard there..." Amao said, a bit unsure of his own words.

"Yeah! We don't even have any evidence that she did it!" Aso cheered even though it was no time to be happy.

Someone was actually killed. Here, in this school. I closed my eyes slowly rethinking this crazy situation.

"Just keep a watch over the brat. There's nothing we can do now." Osoro said.

Megamo sighed and pointed his finger to Osano. "Keep a close eye on her."

"Tch, fine." Aww little Tsundere clicked his tongue!

The bell rang and we all went to our respective classrooms. Through out the day Osano kept staring at me. He even gave me a bento at lunch. If I didn't know better I'd think he likes me.

Just as I was passing by the Counselor's office, I heard a voice.

"Did you do it?" It was a rusty voice, probably belonging to the principal.

"Yes, I told all the students that it was a prank sisters made because they were transfering schools." Counselor responded quickly.

She probably came in middle of the class and said it but I was busy sleeping so I didn't hear her.

"Good, we don't want this leaking out. Akademi's reputation would be ruined." Principal said, and turned around.

Fast steps were heard and then the door sliding. I hid until he was gone, and headed out. Osano kept complaining about Megamo, the entire way to home.
When I was finally there I jumped onto my bed, without changing out of my uniform and fell asleep.

It Wasn't Me! • Male Rivals x Reader [Yandere Simulator] Where stories live. Discover now