Chapter 11

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I don't know why is Oliver being so informal and friendly with me today. It seems odd yet pleasing. I love this Oliver more than his usual self.

As we finish the shopping and moved out of the showroom my heart became a little heavy with the thought of leaving Oliver. Just then my stomach growled the loudest growl of my life and I could not be more embarrassed before Oliver. I should have eaten something.

"Samantha do you have some more time to spare. We can go for the lunch. I mean I am quite hungry and I am pretty sure you might be too", Oliver asked putting the shopping bag at the back seat. I am sure he heard my stomach!

"Emmm.. no Oliver it's Ok", I said hiding my embarrassment.

"Am I that boring that you are refusing to have a lunch with me?" He teased hiding his smile.

"No, you are not boring, infact I would love to...", I stopped myself before speaking further. Of course if there ever would be a race between my tongue and my mind, my tongue will come out as a winner with flying colours.

"You would love to..... have a lunch with me, I guess", he said turning his face towards me as he drove.

"Emmm.. yes", I said in a low voice.

"Ok, this time you choose the restaurant."

"What? But I don't have any idea about fancy restaurants", I said.

"We'll go where you usually go for lunch", he said stressing on the 'you' part.

"You won't like it", I said looking towards my knees.

"How can you say before trying. So, where should I take you ma'am", he said smiling at me.

"There is a burger king at the 106 Fulton Street. We can go there if you like", I said not sure enough of myself.

"Aye aye ma'am", he said and roared the engine speeding up the car on the road.

Oliver is being so good and friendly today. I love him even more. He actually cares where I go for a lunch. He doesn't need to behave this nicely to his PA. Does he consider me a friend. I mean he asked me to call him by his name and he took my advice before choosing the ring. But do I consider him my friend. No, he is much more than just a friend to me. I love him. And now I love him even more.


I looked towards Oliver's face trying to understand his expression as we sat down at a corner table in Burger King. He definitely seemed a little hesitant sitting here with me. He looked across the room and then fringed his nose. He does this when he doesn't like something.

"Oliver are you all right? If you want we can go somewhere else", I asked.

"Oh no, it's perfect. So, I guess it's better if you order".

"I'll get it", I said standing to get in the order queue.

"Wait, so you need to get it yourself?", surprise was clear on his face.

"Yes", I chuckled and moved to get in the line. I am sure he has never been to a place where it's self service for the customers.

As I came back with a tray of two hamburgers and fries, I saw Oliver staring towards me. It made me a little nervous.

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