Chapter 17

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After a long warm bath and hours of trials I was finally ready to go out for the dinner with Ben. I wore the gown he had gifted me, which was spectacular long gown with its ends flowing down on the floor, bright yellow in colour, with delicate pleating all over, angular padded shoulders glimmering with crystals, and an open back which was making me a little uncomfortable. It was the most expensive dress in my wardrobe and I wanted to save it for some special occasion to wear it for the first time. But this was a special occasion for Ben and I wanted him to be happy.

As I came out of my apartment I saw Ben waiting in the corridor. He was wearing all black outfit, with shiny black shirt, formal black suit and black shoes. His hair was gelled and combed backwards. I could see his eyes going wide in amazement as he saw me approaching him.

" My my, what did you do to my not so good looking friend, you murderer!"

"Shut up Ben"

"I never knew that you were so beautiful. Now I really want to make you my girlfriend. Just to make others jealous of me", he said winking at me.

"Ben, if you will not stop I'll go back inside."

"Ok ,ok, fine let's go, shall we?"

I nodded in affirmation.

Ben had already called a cab and we were ready to leave as soon as we came out of our building.

"So, tell me where are we going?", I asked him adjusting my dress which had crumbled up as I sat on the backseat.

"You will get to know very soon."

"Hmmm, I just hope you're not taking me to some sushi restaurant, coz you know I have allergy", I said looking outside the window trying to figure out where he was talking me to.

"Oh jeez, really. You should have told me before. I have a table booked at Sake, and now they won't even return the money back if I'll cancel at the last minute", he said rubbing his fingers on his forehead.

"What? I thought you knew. Last time when we went for that concert and you gave me fish chips to eat, I told you then, remember?"

"Oh, I totally forgot. Fuck. Now what?"

"Oh Ben, just call the restaurant manager, I'll talk to him. I'll explain him that you didn't know that I have allergy and you wanted to surprise me and..." I was still speaking when I saw Ben burst into laughter, he was joking, he kept on laughing pointing finger at me.

"Seriously Ben!", I kicked him with my elbow but he still kept laughing for another five minutes.

"Ok, ok sorry. I am sorry!, God, Sammy its so easy to fool you".

"Shut up!", I said rolling my eyes. I was more mad at him coz he made fun of me in front of the cab driver. I saw through the front window he was trying to suppress his laughter too. But all this definitely lightened my mood. I was more at ease now.

We reached the restaurant in one hour coz of the traffic and rush hour.
As soon as I climbed down the cab and gave a look at the hotel in front of which our cab was parked my jaws dropped to the ground. I was awwed because of its grandeur and beauty. It was 'Trump International Hotel'. I thought if the hotel is so grand, then definitely the restaurant will be grand too.

"Ben, are you sure we are at the right place?" I asked.

"Of course, come inside", he said chuckling and gave his elbow and I slipped my arm between it nervously.

The restaurant was at the lobby level of the hotel. Shiny silver letters in bold italics "Jean-Georges" was mentioned on the top of its entrance. As we entered we were greeted by a staff who helped us to our reserved seat. The atmosphere inside was quite romantic, serene and laid back. The high beaming ceiling, the eclectic decor and the beautiful paintings on the walls was adding to all of it. A soft romantic music was playing and waiters were busy serving their respective customers. It was not yet packed. I guess we were a bit early for the dinner. Everything in there looked warm and inviting. There was a bar at one of the corner and few guests were seated there. The lights were different in that area, little darker from the rest of the areas.

"Ben, are you mad. Why did you choose such high end restaurant. Are you mad? Listen, I am not splitting up the bill Ok? Let's just leave before they come to take our order", I whispered in Ben's ear.

"Chill Sammy, it's a treat. Come on, I am not jobless anymore, plus we are here to celebrate".

"Really, how much are they paying you, half of their annual profit?", I said mocking him.

"Ok enough. Stop worrying about the bill and just enjoy it for once."

I was still not quite convinced but I didn't want to spoil his good mood by worrying anymore so I just left the topic there.

"So, what do they serve here?" I asked opening the menu.

"It's a French restaurant", Ben replied casually.

I immediately closed the menu back. Everything in there was too costly for us to afford. This job thing has definitely gone over Ben's head.

"So, what would you like to have?", Ben asked.

"I don't know, just order something cheaper", I replied almost panicking.

"OK", he said taking the menu card from my hand.

I looked at the other tables around us. To the right of us an old couple was seated. The man was wearing grey suit and the lady was dressed in an off-white middle length dress. They were talking with each other and the old man was looking at the lady with so much love that it made my heart ache. They were so adorable together. So much in yet. It reminded me of Oliver. Oliver? What, What the fuck is he doing here?

I saw Oliver sitting at an angle to the old couple at the corner most table. He was in shiny dark blue suit with white shirt. His hair were combed on one side and his eyes were focused on the person sitting in front of her. Person? Lady? Julianne.

It was then that realization hit me. He was on a dinner date with Julianne. I glanced at Julianne, she was wearing satin grey body hugging gown which she had paired with elegant diamond Jewellery. Her beautiful red curled up hair flowed down on one side of her shoulder. She was looking spectacular and I was fuming with jealousy.

Just then I noticed Oliver staring at me. No not staring, glaring at me. This made me uncomfortable, way much uncomfortable and I turned towards Ben and almost pleaded him"Ben, let's just go somewhere else".

"No we are not going anywhere else. You are worrying unnecessarily. I have been saving money from quite sometime Ok. Trust me. Just relax and enjoy", he said completely ignoring my plea.

"No Ben it's not about the..", I was yet to complete my sentence when we heard a loud thud. It was Oliver's hand which he had punched on our table and was now leaning over me looking straight into my eyes. His eyes were red with anger and he was breathing heavily.


A cliffhanger there! So what do you guys think will happen next?

I have attached an image of the outfits which all four of them were wearing at the dinner. Who looks the best???

Please keep voting and commenting it motivates me to keep writing.

Thanks a lot for reading 😘😘😘😘😘

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