Chapter 45

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"Are you out of your mind Ollie?", I screamed in shock hearing what he did to Sam. "Bro she loves you, don't you know that?"

New creases of pain appeared on his forehead and he said in a low voice," I don't know anymore Claire what is right and what is wrong. The facts and proofs are against Sam".

"And you believe those proof, rather than your heart!" I taunted.

"I don't want to. I don't care even if she did that. I just want her back in my life".

"Ollie, if you really are confused and doubtful about Sam's intention then I would suggest that you stay away from her".

"I don't want to. I don't think she is a threat to me", he said.

"Of course not. In fact I think you are a threat to her. You have no right to hurt her like this. I pity you Oliver. She loved you with all her heart and you couldn't keep your trust in her for once."

"What are you saying Claire?" He asked looking at me horrified.

"Yes brother. I don't care about those proofs. I know Sam, she is the most selfless person I know. She loved you for you, not for your money. And if you would have told her that you have left all your money behind then also she would never have left you", I said in firm voice.

"But she did leave me Claire", he said punching on the edge of the sofa.

"She left you because she doesn't want you to insult her love for you. If she really would have wanted your money then she would have tried to convince you that it was not her and begged you instead to believe her and take her back. But the only person I see begging here is you. And I am sorry to say this Ollie, but you deserve that". I said picking up my overcoat.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"To see her. I don't know how will I face her, but unlike you, I trust her and cannot leave her in the time when she needs me the most", I said buttoning up my coat and left.


"I always knew that you were not in love with my brother, but I could have never guessed that you would go to this extent to conspire against Sam and now look what you did to Ben", I hissed in front of Julianne trying really hard not to scream in the hospital corridor.

Sam placed hands across my shoulders and rubbing them lightly she said, "Claire please calm down. I know you are very upset right now but believe me Julianne has realised her mistake and she is as much hurt as we are. It was her father who forced her into all this. I'll explain you". And then she told me everything about Julianne's dad's conspiracy and I was absolutely stunned. And probably if I would not have seen the condition of Julianne right now I would never have believed all this. But I could see how vulnerable she was right now. Her eyes were swollen red with continuous weeping and her concerns for Ben were evident as she was running after every nurse and surgeon going in and out of the operation theatre.

After around half an hour a nurse came out of the room and approached us. "Miss Ryan, Mr. Turner's condition is stable now. Thanks to this lady who brought him here on time", she announced pointing towards Julianne bringing all of us out of misery.

"Thank God! Can we meet him?" Sam asked.

"You can see him, but he is under heavy sedatives right now so I am afraid you would have to wait for another one hour or so. Also the police might need to take his statement before any of you could speak to him", the nurse announced.

"I understand. Thank you very much for the update", said Sam and the nurse left after that.

We saw Ben from the glass window. His chest was all covered in bandage and his nose and mouth were covered with the oxygen mask. Room was filled with medical tools monitoring him every second.

"I think it's time, I should call his grandma", Sam said moving away to talk on the phone. Then my eyes fell on Julianne standing next to me. She had fresh tears all over her face and feelings of remorse and guilt was pretty evident in her eyes. I put my hand on her back rubbing lightly trying to calm her down. She turned around and hugged me tightly and burst into tears. "I am a monster. Look what I did to him. He kept showering love on me and I gave him pain in return", she said crying.

"I know how you feel right now Julianne, but if you really want to make up for your sins, then go and tell the truth to Oliver and my mom. And give your statement against your dad".

She kept her head down and nodded in return. "You are right. It's time to turn things right. I'll be back in an hour. Meanwhile if he wakes up, just let him know that I'll be back soon".

"Don't worry. I'll tell him. Go now", I said.


Hi readers, I am so so sorry for a laaaaaaate update. I was extremely busy these few weeks. But I am back now. Although, this was a very short chapter, but next chapter will be longer. ( Long discussion of Oliver and Sam)

Please keep reading and voting.

Love you all 💕💕💕💕

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