Chapter 4 - The Tian Mansion

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Xuelei made his way to the Tian mansion. He travelled light and made good time. It took him only three days to reach the target's place. Now all he had to do was watch the household, learn the routine and somehow get close enough to complete the job. No problem.

The influential Tian family had a huge staff. It would be easy to slip in. They had so many maids, servants, gardeners, guards and other household help that Xuelei was sure they couldn't keep track of everyone. It was a simple matter of pretending that he belonged there. If he acted well enough, no one would question him.

What he was wearing was simple and plain. He could easily to pass off as one of the household help, plus it was two sizes too big. It was one of Qian's worn out discarded outfits that he had saved for such a mission. Now he looked like a poor servant.

Xuelei undid his half-tied long black hair from the warrior's style and bunched it up, retying it in the commoner's style. He pulled some strands to make himself look scruffy. To finish it off, he rolled up his sleeves and smudged some dirt on his face. Some actual work and he would really look the part, he thought.

The young assassin waited patiently, hidden high in a leafy tree overlooking the mansion's walls, observing the staffs daily routine. No one looked up. People went about their business engrossed in their own little worlds. Finally, the day waned, the sun made way for the moon and the cool dark night that she brought with her. Xuelei climbed the outer wall effortlessly.

He dropped from the wall onto the grounds landing in a half-crouch, listening. Nothing, no shouts of alarm sounded. He shook his head. Security was terrible in this household. The guards were sloppy. He was on the grounds undetected within minutes.

Carefully, Xuelei made his way to the male worker's dorms. The place was crowded and it stank of unwashed bodies. He coughed and wrinkled his nose. Piles of dirty laundry were everywhere, used cutlery with half eaten food cluttered the tables. Tired men slept in haphazard fashion, some young boys slept on the cold hard floor.

Hmm, the rich never bothered about the living conditions of their servants. The thought probably never crossed their minds. These minor household operational details were left to the person in charge and the person in charge of this particular household was not doing his job properly. It was a good thing for him. It meant one extra body could easily be overlooked.

Xuelei clenched his jaw to keep from grinning. The place was also noisy as hell. More than one poor exhausted soul was snoring loudly, dead to the world around him. The different tones, timbre and rhythm made an awful racket.

Welcome to hell, he congratulated himself as he picked a spot on the floor near the other boys and lay down. He was tired enough to doze off despite the stench and noise. It seemed only a moment later when he was rudely awaken by shouts.

"Wake up, wake up, you lazy brats. Get to work."

Xuelei felt a kick to his stomach and automatically curled his body protectively. It was more of a shock reaction than actual pain.

"Get up or I promise you, you will not have anything to eat today!"

The supervisor was kicking all the boys awake, the men he shook roughly. He shouted at everyone cussing loudly.

The boys groaned and got up slowly. Xuelei followed their example, pretending to rub his eyes awake. One of the men approached them.

"You and you, make sure all the rooms are stocked with firewood. The weather is getting colder." He pointed at another few boys, "All of you, sweeping duties. Sweep the forecourt, gazeboes and the grounds. Clear away all the fallen leaves." He glanced casually at Xuelei, "Who are you? Were you here yesterday?"

Xuelei looked about, bobbing his head nervously. He hunched forward and tried to look as meek as possible.

"Nevermind, you're here aren't you? Might as well put you to work. Hmm, you are small, do you think you can handle chopping wood?"

"Y-yes sir."

"A simpleton! Speak up boy! Just follow them. Do as they do."

Xuelei bobbed his head humbly. "Yes Sir!"

"The three of you, go chop as much wood as possible. We have to stock up for the cold season. It's better to start chopping now. Master Tian and Madame likes warm cosy rooms."

He pointed to the rest of the boys, "The rest of you, follow me. We have gardening to do." They groaned. The landscape was extensive.

The bigger men had other chores to do. They had to work the fields and orchards. They got ready to trudge to the far fields.

The rest of the day was spent chopping firewood, in a corner of the servant's courtyard. Maids moved across regularly doing their chores. Loads of laundry was being washed and hung. Baskets of fruits and vegetables crossed the courtyard held by giggling whispering servants.

Xuelei ignored them but the other two boys soon stripped their robes, to show off their muscles to the blushing maids. Short breaks were permitted for lunch and after each pile had been chopped. There was no breakfast.

The piles of wood disappeared as the boys worked. They took turns chopping while the other two cleared the debris and transported the chopped wood to the storage shed. By the end of the day, all three had sore backs, their hands bleeding from burst blisters and stank of sweat.

Tired and hungry, they were ushered back to the male quarters. No one mentioned baths. Xuelei followed the two boys as they rushed back.

"Hurry up or there will be no dinner for us."

The minute they reached the male quarters, the two quickly picked up bowls and took as much food as they could from the central table. Food was limited. It was a free for all, first come first served basis. Those who came late would go hungry for the night. The table was littered with spilled food.

There was not much left. Xuelei got a bowl and helped himself to a small portion of whatever was left. He went to a quiet corner, hunkered down and was just about to eat when the doors were thrown open. Two hulking men stormed into the room.

"I swear if there is nothing left to eat, I'm going to kill someone! He made us finish that stupid field. We could have easily finished it tomorrow."

"There's nothing left!"

The pair glared around the room looking for victims. Those who knew their temper, quickly stuffed their mouths emptying their bowls as fast as they could. Not tasting anything was better than going hungry. One fellow started choking.

They snatched a bowl from a boy that had worked with Xuelei. He cringed back, swallowing whatever was in his mouth but made no protest. The other boy started shovelling food down his throat but fell down with a howl when one of the men hit him.

"Stop eating my food, brat!" The man grabbed the half empty bowl. "That's mine!"

Meanwhile the first fellow had finished the bowl of food and was looking round for more. Xuelei held up his bowl, he was going to be next anyway. Better to give up without a fight and save a beating. He had gone hungry on many occasions, one more time did not make a difference, he was used to it.

The plan didn't work.

The man grabbed his food but smacked him hard across the face. The force drove the assassin's head against the wall. Xuelei winced. Blood trickled down his face from a gash wound, but he kept quiet.

The man laughed. "Stupid boy, you think you are so smart handing me your food. There is so little in it! Next time take more and make it worth my while."

Xuelei kept his head down. The men did not notice his narrowed eyes or clenched fists. Years of discipline ensured tight control over his emotions and actions. He would not draw attention to himself and jeopardise his mission. The young assassin could have easily ended their lives with his bare hands, right there. Just a fast precise hit to an exposed pressure point shocking the nervous system and they would crumple at his feet.

The two bullies would continue to live only because they were not his targets.

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