Chapter 9 - Crush

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Mei Ling sat on her bed. She was bored. Why did father have to send everyone away? Now she had no one to play with except first brother Li, and he was lousy at the games she liked to play. She always won, it was so boring. Aunt Shao Ling was just as bad, she didn't even stop Father from sending brother Xuelei out again so soon.

Oh Xuelei! She giggled as she hugged her pillow. He was not like the others, even if Jin was more handsome, outgoing and fun, Xuelei was ... was ... so different. He was quiet and preferred to be by himself. She wondered at his unquenchable thirst for knowledge, his quiet longing for something she could not quite grasp. He had a burning hunger in him she could not decipher.

Seventh brother had a brooding presence about him, so mysterious ... she rolled onto her stomach ... his intense dark brown eyes, his long silky black hair, his pale flawless skin, his lean muscled body, Mei Ling screamed into her pillow.

She was not even going into how he moved his lithe body.

Xuelei moved with a careless elegance, with a fighter's deadly precision. When he practiced the sword, he moved with such fluid grace, he was a pleasure to watch. He did not like to waste excessive energy on messy moves.

He was a perfectionist, he would repeat a move, practising it until he got it right. Then he would practice some more until it became second nature to him and he could incorporate it into his ever-growing arsenal of moves.

The whip was not his strong trait though. Control was difficult, different lengths and thickness required different levels of force. His accuracy was improving but he still had a long way to go. He was nowhere near Qian's level of expertise.

Xuelei was much better at knives and the bow than at the whip. When he aimed for a target, then threw a knife in one swift motion or when he was looking down the length of an arrow, his dark eyes sparkled with anticipation and excitement. She loved the intense look of concentration on his face. When he hit his target, his lips would quirk upwards in satisfaction. She loved watching him practice.

She loved watching him. Period.

The gifts her other brothers brought back for her were either bought or stolen, the gifts he brought back always had a story behind them. They were special. The cherry blossom seeds he had brought back, for instance. He was so romantic, so ... Ahhh! She yelped as she rolled off her bed and landed onto the hard floor.

Someone snorted with laughter from the doorway.

"Dao! You are back!" she got up and flung herself at him. He laughed as he caught his whirlwind sister. "When did you get back?"

"Only just, I went to report and came straight to find you. I thought I'd better hand over your gift before I get some rest or you will hunt me down and wake me up from a nice dream."

"I won't do that. I know how tired you all are when you get back." She hugged him.

"Oh really? What about that time you stalked Shen when he was out picking herbs and almost fell onto the pond?"

She blushed. "I was little then."

"And wasn't it just last month when you cornered Qian in the kitchen and forbade him a morsel of food until he gave you your present?"

"He promised something special ... I couldn't wait."

"Oh yeah? What about...?"

"Alright, alright, you win. Now hand it over."

Dao grinned and patted Mei Ling on her head. "You are growing up Mei Ling, to be a lady you must control your materialistic self. Gifts are not everything you know," he chided her gently.

"Yes, fourth brother. I'll try," she replied looking crestfallen. He grinned.

"But I did get you something."

She brightened. "What?"

"Here, all the girls in the city are wearing this. I got this one for you. It's a perfume, you dab some on yourself to smell good."

She took a whiff. Sweet flowery fragrance filled her senses. "Ohh! It smells wonderful! Thank you Dao. I love it."

He smiled at her happy face. "Okay, now do you promise to leave me alone? I'm going to get some rest."

"You're the best Dao!" she called out to his retreating back. He waved his hand.

"Hah! I'm only the best until Xuelei comes back. I saw you falling for him again, literally, this time off your bed!"

She groaned in embarrassment and covered her face in her hands. He had seen her. Abruptly, she giggled.

"Tell anyone and you're dead!" she yelled after him.

Laughter echoed back at her threats.

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