Chapter 40 - Finding a cure

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Shen led the way. Jin was right. There was only one person who could help calm Xuelei down and possibly help him think up of a cure without damaging his brother's mind. MeiHua, she was the only other person who Xuelei trusted and who knew as much about herbs and remedies as he did.

Shen did not notice the shadow following him. He was too intent on getting Xuelei to MeiHua.

The journey was hell. Xuelei kept muttering to himself and struggling against his bonds. He looked angry, miserable and distraught all at the same time. Shen was forced to keep his brother tied-up, for his own safety, he was not himself.

Shen had cleaned Xuelei's wounded arm as best as he could. He was astounded that Xuelei had actually managed cut himself to spare the Mistress. The sheer will power it took to deflect the final strike was amazing.

Who could have done this to him? Who would use him like this? The target was obviously the Mistress.

Shen looked over at his sleeping brother. Xuelei was murmuring restlessly in his induced slumber. Shen had put sleeping powder in his water earlier.

It was the mysterious man who had saved Xuelei, he decided. He was sure of it but why? Who was he?


Shen and Jin had known about MeiHua's existence for a few months. They had accidentally discovered Xuelei and MeiHua together.

The brothers had been on the way back from a mission one day when they had happened upon Xuelei. He was by a river alone, apparently fishing.

Before they could approach him, a young beautiful girl came round the mountain carrying a basket of herbs and ran to him. Xuelei had gotten up and greeted her. Their laughter echoed in the valley. It was obvious that he knew her well.

Shen and Jin had stared in shock. They couldn't believe what they were seeing. Xuelei with a girl! They had hunkered down out of sight and watched their youngest brother. They had to ascertain if she posed a danger to them, to the Sect. Was she an agent or spy?

After the initial shock had worn off, Jin grinned mischievously.

"Who knew Xuelei had it in him? I thought I was the popular one with girls."

"She seems harmless. I don't think she is connected to anything or any mission. She is just a random factor."

Jin smiled, his dimples showing, "A pretty random factor."

They watched in amusement as she threw pebbles into the stream scaring away the fish. Xuelei said something to her and she threw back her head and laughed merrily, poking him with a slim finger. Xuelei was smiling.

Shen raised his eyebrows in surprise. If Xuelei did not even bother drawing a knife, when she assaulted him physically (poked him), she was definitely not a threat. He seemed relaxed and had let his guard down. They looked cute together.

"I think I like her," Jin said. "She must really be something if she can make our uptight little brother smile like that."

"Yeah, me too," Shen looked meaningfully at Jin. "Maybe we should keep this to ourselves. She is harmless and ... he seems happy. No need to bother the Mistress with this trivial matter, right?"

Jin chortled mischievously. "Right!"

They kept surveillance until the young couple parted ways that evening. They had held hands and hugged each other goodbye, making Shen and Jin grin. Xuelei mounted his horse and headed out the valley. The girl had waved to him until he was out of sight then picked up her basket, making her way slowly back round the mountain.

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