Chapter 11 - Group Mission

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The Mistress's eyes narrowed. "Are you sure of this information?" She drummed her slim fingers on the table.

"Yes Mistress. Several girls were kidnapped at the edge of the city but the favourite place they strike most are the routes through the Silent Forest. It serves as a shortcut linking several destinations."

Qian and Jin exchanged looks. Jin spoke up, "Master, the last girl was taken yesterday evening in the forest."

"That makes the total of fourteen girls in the last three months. The kidnappers are getting very bold," Qian said.

"What about the Minister's daughter? Any news?"

"She was the eleventh girl taken. She was kidnapped on her way to her cousin's birthday celebration. She took a route through the forest instead of staying on the travelling paths as instructed."

"We are running out of time. Rumours have it that the kidnappers usually round up about twenty girls before disappearing for a few months. Then they reappear and start all over again."

"That is the time where they probably go somewhere else to sell the girls. The girls are never seen again."

"If that happens, all would be lost."

The Master nodded his head thoughtfully, "We need to infiltrate the kidnappers and find out where they are holding the victims prisoners before they are sold."

"The Minister has grown desperate enough to contract us. He wants his daughter back and all the kidnappers killed except the leader. The leader is to be brought back alive for punishment, if possible."

"Let us discuss this first. Qian, Jin, you are dismissed. Good job."

The two brothers bowed, "Thank you Master, Mistress." They turned to leave the room, having concluded their report.


The Mistress smiled, "What do you think brother? The rewards for this contract should we accept it is lucrative."

"The Minister must be really desperate to actually contact us. His guards and soldiers were ineffective in protecting and getting his daughter back. They have no idea where to find the kidnappers. His wife is distraught, the girl is their only daughter and she is the youngest."

"We can accept the contract but add a stipulation, that his government officials will no longer subject our establishment and people to their scrutiny and random searches. Whenever he does that, business suffers. If the law enforcers leave us alone, business will flourish even more."

"Shao Ling, we have no girls to act as bait. I will not use Mei Ling, she is my daughter, my flesh and blood. She is all I have of my wife before she died."

The Mistress took a sip of her fragrant tea before replying. "Perhaps one of the maids?"

"No, that is not a good idea. If a maid was really kidnapped, she might panic and blow her cover. Also, she might not be able to leave a trail for us to follow, Qian said those kidnappers are rough."

"Then ... one of the boys? Jin or Xuelei, they are both young and good-looking. With a bit of make-up and acting, they can pass off as a pretty girl. They are both highly trained, they will be able to get the job done."

The Master sighed deeply. "You don't have to play with words, I know what you are up to."

"I am just thinking about business, brother, nothing more."

"One day, you really will kill him. He is not his father."

"I will let fate decide that."

"Even fate will give in if you keep pushing Xuelei towards it."

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