Chapter 37 - Cruel Fate

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Green leaves fluttered down around Xuelei. He stayed still, posed in the ending stance of the Swordman's Dance. When the leaves had settled on the ground, he swept them up again with his saber. The nimble youth turned a full circle, his weapon glinting in the morning sun in a series of attacks, disturbing the air to bring the leaves back up around him.

Now, to turn it up a notch. He attacked the falling leaves, slicing each one as fast as he could. He turned circles, cutting and slashing, making sure he maintained the correct forms. Those uncut leaves which had almost reached the ground were forced up again, as Xuelei manipulated the air with his moves, gaining time. He flipped and ducked, backhand slash, kicked, turned and flicked his saber cutting the falling greenery around him.

The second time the leaves were allowed to settle on the ground, they were in little pieces. He had speeded up the sequence slightly to suit his usual fast paced rhythm. It worked well and felt more comfortable to him. The small changes made him feel it had become truly his. Xuelei allowed himself a rare smile, pleased with himself.

It was good to get out. He had been cooped up at home for too long. A change of scenery was just what he needed. He was almost as good as new.

Xuelei sheathed his weapon. It was time to check his snares. If he was lucky, he would have caught something to surprise MeiHua with. He missed her. He wondered if she thought of him at all. Did she miss him too?

The first one was empty and so was the second. Disappointed, he replaced them resetting them carefully, maybe he would catch something later.

Ahh! There was something in the third one. He opened it and took out a rabbit. It was the same one which got away from him the other day. It seemed so long ago, so much had happened since then.

"Hello Dinner!" He held it up by its ears. "Not so lucky today are you?"

The brown rabbit twitched it's nose and stared at him. It wiggled trying to get away but almost immediately gave up its struggles. Xuelei watched it in amusement.

It blinked, twitching it's nose.

"Aww, c'mon. Don't look at me like that. I can't eat you if you look so adorable."

It tried struggling again but to no avail. It looked pitifully at the assassin. Xuelei sighed.

"Okay, okay. I'll let you go ... but just this time. I can't promise not to eat you if you get caught again."

He let the rabbit go. It trembled in place for a second before hopping away as fast as it could to the safety of its burrow. It flicked it's tail as it disappeared down the hole.

"I know where you live!" Xuelei yelled after it and grinned.

The last snare had a wild pheasant in it. He was pleased, he would have something to give MeiHua after all. He had planned a surprise visit. Some fresh meat would be welcomed.

She had invited him to her home several times before and had introduced him to her grandfather. She clearly loved the old man. He had taken care of her when his son and daughter-in law had died of illness. It was the cause of MeiHua's obsession with herbs and medicines.

They had gotten along well. Her grandfather was even more knowledgeable than MeiHua and had fed Xuelei's hunger for learning. The old man had been delighted by the inquisitive young man. He had gained a new audience for his lectures and stories.

Quickly, Xuelei plucked and cleaned the bird. Then he wrapped it up in some large leaves and tied it up. MeiHua was a good cook, she added spices and herbs in an unconventional way to her cooking but amazingly it always turned out delicious. His pace quickened in anticipation.

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