09 // moving day and mini heart-attacks.

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09 // moving day and mini heart-attacks.

I had just seated myself to a large glass of orange juice when three loud knocks could be heard from the front door.

My bare feet hit the floor as I curiously made my way to the noise. Opening the wooden door, there stood someone whose whole upper body and face were hidden behind three large cardboard boxes.

Peering around the boxes, Wren shot me a wide bright smile. "It's moving day!"

I furrowed my eyebrows before hastily closing the door on him.

"Hey!" I heard his muffled protest through the door. The door slowly screeched open as he balanced the boxes with one hand. 

He gave me a once over, before looking around at my small apartment. Everywhere but at me. 

I crossed my arms tighter. I had on my black robe that covered my half naked body underneath. My legs were bare and I had opted for no socks.

"Why are you here and why did you bring boxes?" I asked.

Wren set the three empty boxes on my coffee table. He wore dark blue jeans with a white shirt. His muscles bulged underneath the thin white material. I tried to look away - I would never admit that he was actually good looking.

"It's moving day. Now lets get a start on things," he said looking around my small apartment.

"I'm not moving."

He bit on his bottom lip before speaking. "Did Shawna speak to you last night?"

I blamed the pregnancy hormones for the way my body shivered at him doing that. "I'm pretty sure you know the answer to that," I retorted.

"You're right," he smirked. "She told me you were on board with the idea though."

"That was last night. Last night the girl was freaking on her knees before me covered in tears and snot. I couldn't say no to her in that moment after everything she's been through to have a baby. This morning however, I'm not so sure."

"Well what has changed in the course of ten hours?" He helped himself to a seat on the arm of my sofa.

"I've had to time to sleep on it."


"I don't want to live under the same roof as you."

He sighed before stating calmly. "I know that this idea doesn't sit well with you, but my wife and I have a desire to know our unborn baby."

 I rolled my eyes and shook my head. Of course he would say that. Just the thought of living with him was enough to have me dashing to the sink to upchuck.

Just like back at the wedding, Wren made his way over to me, his large hands rubbed my back in a soothing manner. With my head in the sink, I finished vomiting until my stomach felt empty.

"Alright now," Wren murmured, as my vomiting turned into dry heaves.

I turned on the faucet and cleaned out the sink before standing up straight and addressing Wren.

"I don't think i'm the only one who doesn't want to move in with you," I choked out, my hand moving to my stomach.

Wren cleared his throat. "Just... pack enough clothes and stuff to fill those boxes. Obviously when this is all over, you will need somewhere to live so your apartment will always be here and you can always come back. Lets not make this a big fuss, alright?"

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