25 // do anything, be anything.

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25 // do anything, be anything.

Wrens P.O.V

I swirled the clear bubbly drink around the plastic cup I held. Annoyingly loud pop music streamed through the speakers filling my ears. People, most of them strangers to me, talked and mingled around. Everyone looked happy and oblivious to the absence of the mom to be, Shawna and her surrogate, Lesra. Everyone except me.

My jaw tightened and my hand clenched on to the arm rest of the wooden chair. 

Lesra usually took her time when she needed to use the bathroom, more so now since she was very pregnant. However, this, was a new record.

Over the annoyingly loud music, a blood curdling scream that was a horrific tune in its self echoed throughout the backyard.

I was up and my hand had lost its grasp from the cup I held not more than a few seconds ago. I pushed my way through the crowds of people, all of their heads were whipped towards the direction of the house. I felt like I was in a never ending maze, their still bodies were like pillars.  


She was all I could think about as I finally made it to the backdoor of the house. I busted it open and looked everywhere until my eyes landed on the girl with multicolored hair who was running towards me.

I didn't like her one bit but the horrid facial expression she wore and the black streaks running down her face was enough for me to put the hatred to the side and be overcome by another emotion; fear.

"She's..she's..I..," She bawled. She pointed towards the front of the house before falling to the ground.

I passed her quickly until I was in the middle of the spacious foyer. My heart stopped beating rapidly, stopped beating all together, once my eyes landed on her still form sprawled out on the marble floor. I looked up the grand stairs and then back down at her lifeless body. Instantly, everything had clicked. She had fallen down the stairs.

"No no no no no," I muttered as I slid next to her and got down on the floor. "Lesra?" I caressed her cheek. "Lesra," I murmured again. I picked her head up and laid it in my lap. I could feel a wet slipperiness on my arm that was coming from underneath her head.

"Lesra, open your eyes," I pleaded. All color had been drained from her face. Her eyes were closed tightly and her lips were slightly parted. I leaned my ear in closer and an ounce of fear left me when I could hear her staggered breathing.

However, that fear and a shit ton more hit me like a bag of bricks once the raw coppery smell wafted into my nostrils. I looked away from her expressionless face and down her white dress to the large red spot that didn't belong there. The blood was seeping through her dress right underneath her round stomach and had begun to create a puddle of its own right underneath her.

My hands shook. 

My child was in there.

What the hell was happening?

I could hear the murmurs of spectators around us but I didn't dare look up at them as I yelled. "Someone call an ambulance!"

From behind me, I could hear a lady shuffle around in her purse and then the three dings on her phone.

"Lesra," I murmured again in hopes that she'd open her eyes at least. To my avail, there was nothing from her. "I love you, Lesra," I said to her. Just moments ago I'd said the exact same words to her and she replied by telling me the same thing. But now, nothing.

"I love you, please wake up," I pleaded. "I need you to wake up Lesra, please," the desperation was clear in the way my voice shook but I didn't care.

Charlotte Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang