27 // epilogue pt. 1

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27 // epilogue

"Shit!" A deep voice snapped somewhere in the coffee shop I was in. "Just what I needed. Something else to make me more late then I already am. Next time pay attention. This was my order!"

My head swerved in the direction of the angry man.

I gripped the writing utensil in my hand a little tighter and allowed my eyes to rake over the length of his tall, muscular body. Dark hair topped his head and deep blue eyes burned in to the girl who stood in front of him. He was definitely handsome, but seemed very rude right off the bat.

The girl looked up at him, fear and embarrassment written all over her face. Even I felt embarrassed for her.

The girl, who's dark brown hair had fallen in front of her olive toned face tried wiping at the stain with a few napkins. Rudely, the man pushed her hands away. He was a business man of some sort. I could tell from his button up shirt that now sported a brown stain being tucked into black dressy pants and shiny black leather shoes.

The girl handed him something before scurrying out of the coffee shop.

The man watched as she left with an intense facial expression. His hands combed through his shiny black hair a few times and from his mouth he mumbled something incoherent before he too, sauntered out of the coffee shop.

I shook my head in disbelief. How could someone get so angry over an accident so little? From my past experiences, I knew how valuable life was and you only had one. There was no point in letting the stupid little things get to you. Hopefully, the guy would learn that. But that was a story of its own.

I went back to sketching on the notepad I now carried everywhere with me. I found the pad, along with a bunch of other blank ones with my mothers stuff.

I sucked in a sharp breath. It felt like someone had stuck their hand right through my chest, picked it up and had begun to squeeze. I bit down on my bottom lip. I was all cried out, but sometimes it felt as if the flow of tears would spring up on me at any time. I missed my mother with every fiber of my being and I felt terrible that I wasn't there for her when she passed.

It had been six months since I had woken up from the coma that left me unconscious for an entire year..

12 months, so the doctors and Noah tell me, but it's still hard to believe. When I had awoke, It had felt like just yesterday when I made the mistake of angering Shawna and me falling and everything going black. But to think it's been 12 months? 12 months was a whole year that I'd never get back...





My eyes shot open, then rolled around inside of my head. I closed them again, tightly. The loud sound of a machine beeping from somewhere beside me made me groan in annoyance. 

I tried to reach over so I could shut off the alarm clock, but for some odd reason, my arms were not cooperating and wouldn't lift.

I told Wren to turn it off, but it came out sounding like a long slur of jumbled words.

My arms wouldn't lift, but it was able to slide close enough to my stomach so I could feel for the baby. She was an early bird and was usually very active in the mornings. But, you can imagine how surprised I was when my hand moved straight across my stomach like a plain instead of going upwards like an actual bump.

My eyes opened again, this time the size of golf balls. There was a heavy feeling inside of me as I tried to sit up.

"Woah, take it easy," a voice said, pushing back down on my shoulders.

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