11 // lipstick and lingerie

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11 // lipstick and lingerie

I got up and snatched the black hat away from him. He narrowed his eyes at me and crossed his muscular arms over his bare chest.
It was my mothers. She must have left it when I took it off of her head in the car. I wasn't going to tell him that though, I would let him believe whatever he wanted.

"Are you with someone, Lesra?"

"What's it to you, damn it?" I placed the hat on my nightstand and continued rubbing lotion on my arms.

"Are you with someone, Lesra?" He repeated himself.

"And what if I were!?" I turned around and glared at him. He was getting on my nerves now.

"I personally would not care. I'm just not comfortable with you being with someone in that way while my child is in there."

"Wren, why don't you go sex up your wife or something and leave me alone?"

"Maybe I will after this. I know she enjoyed it last night."

I looked at him in disgust before thinking of something brilliant to say. "I'm not sure what exactly there is to enjoy." I held up my thumb and pointer finger to show just exactly how small he was.

Without turning around, Wren closed the door behind him and walked further into the room. The light that the hall way provided was now gone and the only thing illuminating my room was the streetlight outside. He stood a few steps in front of me.

"Then what exactly did you feel this morning? Because I know you felt something."

I gulped at his proximity. "I don't know what you're talking about," I murmured.

"Oh sure you do. When you pulled that little stunt earlier. Anything to get on top of me, huh?"

I laughed. I couldn't believe this guy! "Right, because that was my intention," I replied sarcastically.

"Wasn't it?" he asked, knitting his eyebrows together.

I scoffed. "I think it's time for you to leave, Wren. It still amazes me how your ego was able to fit in this room."

He opened his mouth to say something but then closed it again.

"I'm pregnant and my hormones have my sex drive out the rough these days. How I decide to tame them and who I decide to tame them with is none of your business."

I felt bad, making it seem like there was another man when the whole time the hat belonged to my mother, but he always poked and prodded me so I would do the same. Of course it was all false, but the fake story was worth the facial expression on his face.

He clenched his jaw and walked out the room.



My phone rang, bringing me out of my deep slumber. It was the next morning and the sun shone. The curtains swayed gracefully around as a result of the wind creeping through my window.

My phone buzzed once more, reminding me why I had woken up in the first place. I reached over and picked it up, checking the caller I.D first.

I groggily answered it.

"Morning Les," Shay said all chirpy like.

"What's up Shay," I murmured into the receiver.

"Samuel and I are coming to pick you up in 30 minutes. We're heading over to the mall."

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