Chapter 15

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Malia's POV
As he saw me, his eyes lit up and a grin appeared on his face, making it look like a snarl. I quickly diverted my eyes from his, not wanting to disrespect. His sharp, long canines stuck out and his teeth were tinted red from blood. As the crisp air moved, I could smell the blood of a fresh kill on his fur. He stalked towards me and I crouched lower to the ground, my tail tucked in between my legs.

Did he not like the food I made?

Is he mad that I left?

Did he want to punish me before I left this morning? Taunt me for thinking that I could trust him and he wouldn't hurt me?

My claws dug into the frozen dirt in anticipation as his wolf lowered itself on his from paws.( Like the picture above or to the side. Wherever it is.)
I whimpered as he let out a loud bark and I cowered lower to the ground. My warm underbelly melting the fresh snow underneath me. I was practically shaking in fear and showed my full submission.

Then he whined. It wasn't loud nor long but it still confused me. I'm my confusion I stood up slowly, slightly forgetting my fear. I cautiously glanced up at him. When we made eye contact, his tail started wagging and his tongue was hanging out the side of his mouth. He reminded me of a puppy that wanted to play. I tilted my head and scrunched my face in confusion.

He suddenly jumped up and ran back into the bushes. I stood there in udder confusion. I waited a little bit but he never came back. Curiosity got the better of me and I slowly followed his scent trail. As his scent got stronger, the smell of blood lingered in the air. I immediately tensed and stopped walking.

Am I next?

Is he going to kill me?

I exhaled out of my nose. If he is going to kill me, he going to kill me. He is easily stronger than me, so I couldn't fight him off. If I run, he could easily catch me. I'm to tired and weak. I inhaled deeply. I knew he was only a few feet in front of me. I dejectedly forward.

I saw him sitting on the ground waiting patiently, next to a giant deer. A small, clear stream was running behind him. I just stood there.

Why did he lead me to a deer?

Alphas don't share their meals, let alone anything.

He whined again, this time a bit longer, and nodded to the deer. I just stood there and stared at it. It was still bleeding from the large bite marks meaning it was a fresh kill. It was very large, enough to feed me for a few meals, at least a day. The smell of fresh blood made my mouth water. I could feel my stomach growl. He whined louder and pushed the deer closer to me. He sat near the head, waiting patiently, just staring at me. I looked him cautiously in the eyes. He didn't look mad, he looked calm but slightly nervous. I slowly leaned my head down and sniffed its flank and took a small bite.

The meat was tender and sweet. I took small, slow bites. He plopped on the ground in front of me and began to tear into the shoulder. We ate in peace and quiet. My wolf liked this. She liked him taking care of her and feeding her. She felt proud that she took down this big of a prey.

I ate less than half of it. I wasn't completely full but my stomach was satisfied. I put my head close to the ground and slowly walked towards him. He was still in the process of eating but stopped when he noticed my approach. I slowly leaned my head up and gave him a small lick on the ear in thanks. He looked at me in shock before I ran off.

I stayed in the forest for a few more hours. I was mostly there just to avoid Alpha but eventually made my way back into the pack house. The cold was starting to eat away at my fatigued body and I wanted the warmth the pack house gave me.

I quickly dressed in the clothes I left out and quickly walked up to my room. I passed the female Beta before I made it to my room.

"Dinner is ready." She said. "Would you like to join us?" I stopped in shock. I was still confused with what Alpha did and now this?

"They are just trying to trick you. They want to gain your trust and turn against you when you least expect it, when you let your guard down. I thought.

Instead of responding, I quickly ran into my room and shut the door. I didn't bother with turning on the lights. I walked across the room and leaned into the corner, facing the door. I stared of into the darkness but my fatigue got worse. My eye lids got heavier and heavier.

Orion's POV

Yet again, I ate dinner with the seat beside me empty. After dinner, I looked around the first floor of the pack house. Many pack members lingered around after, just hanging out. Maybe she got food and ate somewhere else or maybe she didn't want attention and his amongst the people. I tried to smell her out but all the other scents were overwhelming her trail. I looked around the dining room and kitchen but there where no signs of my mate being anywhere. I frowned and continued to look around, maybe I overlooked her. I was about to explore in the living but a hand landed on my shoulder.

"She's not down here."  Blaire said as I tuned my head. (Blaire is Caspian's mate if you don't remember).

"I passed her in the hallway upstairs and told her dinner was ready. I asked her to join us but she just stared at me and practically ran inside her bedroom." She looked to the floor and pursued her lips before talking again.

"It kinda of hurt me." She shook her head.

"I shouldn't have said that. I'm sorry. I just want to be her friend." She shook her head again.

"I'm sorry! She's upstairs in her room. I didn't see her leave so she should still be up there."

I nodded my head in thanks and weaved my way through the crowds of people. I quickly hid behind a wall to avoid Rebecca who seemed to be on a bitch rampage. I quickly made my way upstairs, wanting to just see her. I knocked on her door and waited but got no response. I knew she was in there, I could smell her intoxicating scent from here.

I slowly opened the door, expecting her to be asleep on the bed. She wasn't. I looked towards the bathroom door but the light was off and the door was open. I glanced around the dark room, almost missing the small figured curled against the wall, sleeping in the far corner. It made my heart hurt to see her sleeping on a hard and uncomfortable floor instead of her bed.

I gently picked her up, careful not to wake her up. She needed sleep. Even in the dark, I could see the faint dark rings underneath her eyes. I didn't want to make her uncomfortable and change her, so I only took of her shoes. I placed her on the bed and covered her up with a blanket that was folded at the foot of the bed. I leaned my forehead on hers, inhaling the beautiful scent that coated her. I pressed my lips to the smooth skin of her forehead, leaving a lingering kiss.

I left her room and closed the door, my lips still tingling.

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