Chapter 47

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Whoa guys! This is chapter 47 in the book but, it is actually chapter 50! That's insane! I actually only planned this book to have 40 chapters and now I am going to have around 60!

Whoa guys! This is chapter 47 in the book but, it is actually chapter 50! That's insane! I actually only planned this book to have 40 chapters and now I am going to have around 60!

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My breathing was slightly heavier than usually and my lips still held that addicting to tingling feeling. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, craving to get closer to the one it holds dear. After she pulled back from the kiss, I ached for her again. The thought of being able to kiss her again was almost painful because I crave it so much. Instead of sealing our lips together once more, I took her in my arms. I was afraid that it would scare her if I did, decided it would be best if she set the pace and boundaries.

As the adrenaline in Malia's body wore off, I could feel her relax in my arms. My body shivered in pleasure as her lips brushed against my neck, unaware to her action. She was burying her face securely into my neck as she passed out, no idea how much the simple gesture was affecting me. My heart throbbed harder, calling out to her, crying out for her to come closer.

It was everything I had craved yet it surpassed my expectations. Since we were not the typically mates who complete the mate bond within days or weeks after they meet, these actions mean so much more. The fact that she let me hold her and touch her was surprising enough but I totally stunned when she kissed me. My legs almost gave out from the sheer surprise and pleasure.

I shifted her in my arms so I would be able to open up the door without dropping her, which I would never even think about doing. As I did so, she cuddled even closer to me and let out a small sigh, making me smile. The men and women who were lingering around the pack out looked at us and gave me an approving smile. They wanted their Luna just as much as I did.

As I walked though the pack house, Malia became more restless. She began to gently squirm in my arms and let out displeasing noises, letting me know of her discomfort. Suddenly, she tended in my arms and let out a small whimper, one that only I would be able to hear. I pulled my head back and glanced at her face, eyebrows drawn together and her nose was scrunched up. Her fist had wound up and were clinging to my shirt. I wrapped my arms tighter around her and rubbed her back soothingly, hoping I was offering a bit of comfort.

Malia's POV
My eyes flew open and I let out a yelp when I was blinded by the bright lights. I forcefully pushed myself away from thing that was constricting me. Violently shoving myself away, I felt from their hold and my head slammed against something hard. Pressing my back against the idem I had just hit, I curled into a ball, cowering.

"Hey, hey, you're okay." His voice soothed me and I peaked out from over my arms. "It's okay."

"I'm sorry." I apologized and hung my head in shame.

"No need to do that. You just had a bad dream and you got spooked. It's no big deal." He held his hand to me and I slowly took it, my hand shaking from my scare. Gently pulling me back up to my feet, my body was pressed back to his warm one. I leaned into him, his warmth seeping into me and letting him hold me weight. I was still drowsy from my sleep and the hit to the head wasn't helping in my case.

"Come 'ere." He laughed and lifted me back into his arms. I curled into him, enjoying the warmth and the feel of his touch. After a few moments, I pulled back and looked at his face.

"I'm tired." I told him, hoping that it would justify my embarrassing actions.

"I know." He assured me. His eyebrows suddenly furrowed and he frowned. "I don't mean to bring this up so suddenly but, why?"

"Why what?"

"Why do you have that on your foot?" His frown deepened.

"Have what?" I pressed on, confused to what he was talking about.

"Why do you have your name carved on your foot? My doctors found it when you were first here and thought it was your name. I didn't believe them until I saw it the other night, in the bath."

"I don't know." I could feel myself pale, losing all the color from my face. "I guess I always thought that my father would eventually kill me and dump me off somewhere. I was afraid that no one would know who I was so I did that. I did that so people would know who I was if that did come true."

"Please, don't call him your father." He whispered. "That man doesn't deserved to be an Alpha, let alone have the title of a father figure when he obviously wasn't one."

"I'm sorry, Alpha Orion." I muttered back.

"We have talked about this, Malia. I am only known as 'Orion' to you. We are equals so you should call me as such. I may be an Alpha but you are my Luna. In my eyes, you are more important and I should be calling you Luna or Luna Malia."

I cringed at the sound of my name, following the title, coming from his mouth. It just sounded wrong. "Please, don't."

"Now, you know what it sounds like to me. So, please refrain from calling me that anymore."

"Okay," I hesitated for a moment before I quietly said "Orion."

The smile that overcame his face seemed to light up the entire hallway. The left side of his mouth lifted up just a bit higher than the left, a single dimple showing. His wide, open tooth smile showcase two rows of straight, bright white teeth. His smile brought that feeling back to my stomach but I enjoyed it this time and I couldn't help but smile back. When we reached his room, he set me down in front of the door and held eye contact with me.

"I have to go make a call to Ryland and talk with my head warriors. Please, stay here. It is the safest place I can think of. You will be surrounded by other people. You can do whatever you want but please, don't leave. You may invite people in, take a nap, watch tv, whatever you want. When I am finished, I will bring dinner to you. Is that alright with you?"

I nodded my head and kept the eye contact going. His eyes were still bright and gleaming with happiness. I couldn't resist, so. I a hand on his cheek, the other tracing the place where his dimple was. He leaned into my touch, placing his own hand on my face and leaning our foreheads together. His breath warned my face and I could just barely taste him on my lips.

"May I please kiss you?"

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