Chapter 31

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Kai eventually left me alone in my room, finally letting her words process through my head

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Kai eventually left me alone in my room, finally letting her words process through my head. It utterly confused me, what she said, the kindness she said that Alpha would show towards me. It went against everything I knew, everything I was taught and grew up around. Alpha were cruel and cold, showing no love or mercy to those who come across them in the wrong way, going against them in any way possible. What Kai said was the complete opposite of my ways, making me pace around my room, my mind grasping and holding on to every word she spoke.

It wasn't that I didn't believe her, she would never lie to me, not after what we'd Ben through. It was just hard to comprehend. I counted my steps as I paced, a nervous habit I obtained when the only thing I could do was walk around in a circle while I was chained to a tree. It came to my knowledge that the floor board three steps from the foot of my bed creaked when it was walked on, momentary bringing my mind peace as I trailed away from my thoughts.

After a while my stomach growled, almost startling me from hearing such a loud noise when I had become accustomed to the quiet. I frowned. I haven't truly eaten in days. Sure, I was given a plate of food by Alpha's parents because I was so rudely interrupted. As that plate of food was sat in front of me, I analyzed the situation. They would either get mad if I ate the food, snatching it away from me and knocking me to the floor, yelling at me, telling me I didn't deserve food. On the other hand, they could be offended that I did not eat the meal I was given and then be punished for that instead.

I really want to leave my room. Still embarrassed from my little stunt in the Alpha's home in front of Cole. As we left the house, I could hear Cole speaking of me and how I was not fit to be Luna, and I slightly agreed with him. I can barely stand to be in a room with more than three people, imagine me trying to rule over a pack of hundreds of people. Though, Kai didn't hear or she just didn't want to bring up the fact that her mate was degrading me behind my back.

My stomach growled loudly again, this time bring a sense of pain through my abdomen. I needed to eat but unfortunately, that meant I had to go downstairs and pass the dining room, where others were eating.

Still not bothering to put on shoes, they would make to much noise, I regretfully left my room. My bare feet and light steps made absolutely no noise I tiptoed down the stairs. Light banter and laughter could be heard from just down the hall. Their shadows danced across the hardwood floor, showing hand gestures and heads being thrown back to bark out a laugh. Ducking my head, I sped walk down the hall and passed the open archway, trying to make my presence unknown.

"Malia." His deep voice sounded, making me stop in my tracts. I was so close. "Why don't you come join us?" All the voices in the room silenced. Itruly didn't want to. I'd rather be out in the woods hunting, running in my wolf form under the pale moonlight. As if he sensed my hesitation, he spoke again. "Please." He almost sounded as if he were begging me to stay.

Keeping my head down, I turned to the right and slowly made my way to the table. All eyes were on me but I kept mine trained to the floor as if I didn't notice them. Only on chair remained empty, the one I sat in the last time, the chair closest to the Alpha. I didn't notice him stand up, nor did I see him behind the chair, but I could definitely feel his presence behind me as I sat down. His fingers brushed my exposed arms as he pushed in my chair for me. I muttered a soft 'Thank you', waiting for him to sit back down, but he didn't. He stood behind me for a few more moments, towering over me and intimidating me. Then, he walked away.

Small chatter began back up as I sat there with my head down, staring at the placemat. It was then when I realized there was no plate or utensils set out in front of me; they weren't expecting me to show up.

Alpha came back but he only had a fork in hand, no plate. Was I not going to be eating here tonight? He sat back down in his chair and slowly pushed the plate in front of him towards me, so it sat between us on the table. Looking up at him in surprise and confusion, he sent me a warm smile and held out the fork to me. He wanted us to share? Slowly grabbing the fork from him, I waited for him to take the first bite. Alpha's eat first, always. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him reach for the plate, finally deciding what he wanted first. Instead of grabbing something, he pushed the plate a little closer to me once more.

Doing a one over of the plate with my peripheral, I saw roast, mashed potatoes, fruits and a few other things that I've never had before. A vibrant red stood out to me though, a strawberry. I've had one many years ago but it was still mostly green, not fully ripe. I reached for it and plucked it off the plate, not eating it right away. I was waiting for it to be smacked out of my hand but I could see Alpha looking at me with a larger smile on his face, his eyes twinkling.

I brought it up to my mouth and took a small bite. Sweetness washed over my tongue, along with the refreshing juice from the fruit. It immediately became my favorite food. I licked the excess juice of my lips and saw Alpha reach out and pluck a piece of roast.

We went on like that until our plate was empty, picking things off the plate that we both wanted. Someone was reaching towards a dessert, decorated with whipped cream and cherries, and began cutting it. As the first piece was served, the sound of glass shattering filled the room. I quickly stood up and jumped around. A large rock laid on the ground, covered with the glass. The one window was completely busted, bringing in the fresh smell of nature with the underlying scent of rotting flesh, rouges.

"Blake, Nathan, Tobias, go get the other warrior and warn the rest of the pack. The rest of you, track that rouge, don't let him get away." As Alpha was assigning orders, I bent down and plucked the rock from the tile floor. The glass that resting on top of it fell to the floor and I turned it over. Taped to back of it was a small piece of paper.

'We will get you back. -G' it read. I didn't notice that everyone had left, leaving to go do as they were told. A howl pierced the air, a warning to the pack that someone was in the territory.

"Be careful, Malia." Alpha came over and gently grabbed my wrist, pulling it closed to him. I didn't realize that glass had fallen on my as well as the floor, slicing my skin. Blood and down my arm, staining my shirt and dripping onto my feet, also littered with cuts. "You're hurt." He grabbed the rock from me and held my hand in the other. "Let's get you cleaned up."

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