Chapter 67

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Through the rest of the dark hours of the night and early morning, he continued to flip the the various pages

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Through the rest of the dark hours of the night and early morning, he continued to flip the the various pages. I watched as now eyes scanned the over abundance of names, determined to find what he was desperately searching for. With every turn of a page I saw his shoulder drop, saddening me at his growing defeat.

"Why don't you take a break?" As the sunlight peaked over the top of the trees, it peered through the windows, lighting up Orion even more. He was covered with dirt and dried blood from his attack, making my stomach churn.

"Please." I begged him, placing my hand over the page he was reading so he would look at me. "Please, just go take a shower, maybe even eat something." He looked reluctant to go but I would not back down.

"Okay, okay. Fine. I'll go and clean up but I will be back as soon as I can."

"No." I said, taking the book from his hands and placing it on the desk. Resting my hands on his chest, I looked up at him, making sure I was getting my point across to him.

"You will go take a shower and eat something while I continue to look. You will take as long as you need and I will kick you out if I think you didn't take long enough." He cracked a grin.

"I would have never expected for you to be this bossy." He said, his eyes sparkling. "It's quite refreshing." My eyes widened when I realized I actually gave him a command, ordered him to do something.

"Go." I gave him a small smile and pushed on his chest.

"You don't want to join me?" He fiend innocence.

"Get out!" I laughed and watched the door shut behind him. An uneasiness settled over me as I heard his footsteps getting further and further away from me. It made me think that he was leaving again, the he was going to walk out of my life and never come back, that this was all just a dream.

Trying to distract myself from my negative thoughts, I pulled the book onto my lap. The feeling of the worn out cover and the parchment paper reminded me of my mother's diary that was now sitting abandoned in an attic.

The names were meaningless to me but their crimes were horrendous.
Jessica Samoans... Drown her infant baby in a river because she didn't want it.
Bert Granet....Raped nine children and killed four of them.
Caiden Parker... Participated in the murder of his Alpha. Killed dozens of innocent children and women.
Dylan Lansing... Abused and cheated on his mate until her death because she couldn't conceive children.

The book listed the names of dead, of the ones that actually meant something to me. They were the ones that had been forgotten, the ones that had to suffer until their last waking moment. They reminded me of myself.

Yet, unlike them, I got to live. It told me that I was lucky. I was lucky even though I had suffered for years because now, I suffer no more. I had the privilege to meet amazing people through my suffering, including Kai. I had the ability to meet my mate along the way, one treats me right at that.

It made me realize that I had someone, people, who love me. That I had people to love back, that it wasn't just once sided. These people who died could have had someone, some might have not but I was one of the lucky ones to find people who do.

I began to read through the tragedies that others had suffered through. From murders, abuse to things that are more minor like broken bones and robberies. Instead of ordering it by name, it was ordered by the dates that the crimes had happened, which made if difficult to find people. I found a Maxwell Pierson, which my my heart stop, but next to it was a Simon Jennings and a Peter Long, not Pierce.

Down the hall, I heard the shower turn off and the sound of drawers being opened. His footsteps wandered down stairs and into the kitchen where pans and fake silverware were being used. Flipping through the large book of names, I searched for my surname, the name of my parents and relative, if I even had any.

When I was younger, I had tried to find them once. Alpha told me that we didn't have a big family, that it was only us left. That even if we had any family members, they wouldn't even want me. They would throw me to the curb like trash of beg Alpha to take me back.

My fingers began to cramp from holding the same position at the corner of the worn pages, preparing to flip it over. My eyes grew tired and spotted with dark circles, which we hindered my visibility. The book grew heavier and heavier in my lap, weighing me down with guilt as I ready through these private secrets.

Jason Pierce my eyes read. My mind took a while to register it, almost completely looking over it. November 27, 1997 was the date the crime occurred, only months before my birth. This had to be the person we were looking for, this Jason Pierce had to be Alpha.

I was afraid to see what he did, to afraid to what he might have done to my, to my mother, maybe even my family. It was here that I would get all of the answers to the questions I have been asking but I couldn't seem to make myself read anymore. It unnerved me to the fullest, answering every lie that I had grown up around. Setting the book back on the desk, I put my head down and watched my feet dangle back and forth.

"Hey." Orion opened the door, carrying a plate of food. "I made you some bacon and eggs if you're hungry."

"Thank you," I said and then shook my head. "but I don't think I can eat right now."

"Did you find it?" He asked and set the plate down next to the book before standing in front of me.

"Yes. Yes, I did."

"Really? What did it say?"

"I don't know." I admitted. "I couldn't bring myself to look."

"Would you like me to read it to you then?" I contemplated for a moment but then nodded my head. I watched at he picked up the book before settling himself beside me on the desk.

"Jason Pierce, the second son of Alpha Kronos Pierce. His brother and first born, Perseus reported a worldwide search for his mate after she was stolen by Jason. Months after her disappearance, the search for her was ceased and a new one began. A bounty was set for Jason and the daughter of his deceased mate. Both have never been found by Alpha Perseus."

I let the words sink in, making my limbs go numb from shock. He told me, screamed at me for years that he wasn't my father and now, it all made since. He wasn't my father because he was my uncle. The uncle that took me away from my family.

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