Chapter 19

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(Time reverse to where Malia just got to Blaire and the children,)

I approached Blaire and the children from behind until I was standing next to Blaire

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I approached Blaire and the children from behind until I was standing next to Blaire. The bitter smell of fear was seeping out of the children that were huddled up behind me as well as the scent of blood. I could see the nervous and anxious flicks of Blaire's tail. Neither of us looked away from the group of rouges. We were easily outnumbered and odds were not looking good for us. It was two against six and both of us probably won't survive, let alone the children who could not protect themselves.

A sudden wave of protectiveness rolled through my body. I needed them safe and I craved go taste the warm blood of my enemies on my tongue. My mouth practically salivated at the thought of ripping their throats out. One that I did not know was here tried to approach to the right of me in my blind spot. They stepped on a twig and I whipped my body around when it have out a loud snap. It's body was tucked low to the ground and its shoulders were shaking, preparing to launch itself at the helpless children. Just as it leaped of the ground, I shifted midair and tackled it to the ground. We rolled around after making a hard impact with the ground. He landed in front of my on its stomach and I landed on my feet, crouched in a low stance and fur standing up, making myself seem bigger. No one will be touching these children, I declared in my head.

It began trying to circle around me but I quickly stood in its path, making sure to keep a boundary between him and the kids. One tackled my from behind and dug its claws into my hips. With every move I made, its claws dug deeper.

I felt a wave of power go through me as I slammed the wolf against a tree. It's body slumped off my back and landed on the ground next me, panting harshly and blood was coming out of its mouth. I quickly latched on to its throat and he once again, dug his claws into my soft underbelly. With one quick jerk, I tore out its throat and it began choking on its own blood.

Turning around, I saw Blaire trying to defend herself with the rest of the savages and it wasn't going very well. With her surrounded by the rogues, she left the children out in the open. I had to think quick. Relaxing my mind, I took down the wall that was protecting my thoughts and mind for years.

"Blaire." I called out to her. I got no response. "Blaire!" I called again, this time louder.

"Malia?" She finally responded.

"I need you to get out of here. Take the kids with you." I said, walking towards the cluster of rogues.

"Are you insane? You'll-"

"I will be fine." I cut her off. "I need the kids and you safe. Now go!" I urged though the mind link. I walked in between her and then, blocking them from her and the kids.

"But-" She protested.

"Go!" I roared. "Now!"

She turned almost immediately and lifted the kids onto her back. She took off and I didn't worry about anything else but them until I was satisfied they far away and safe.

One swatted at me when they thought I wasn't playing attention. I easily dodged it and let out a loud snarl.

They each began attacking me one by one but I easily took them down. With three bodies now lying among the others, I though I could easily end this. One the turned turned and let out a howl from deep in its throat. I was momentarily confused until I heard a similar call in return.

Renforcements. I thought and my blood ran cold. Twisting my body around, I tried to make a run for it but I tripped over a log that was hidden underneath snow. When I went to stand up, a sharp pain jolted up my left paw and I fell back to the ground. My paw was twisted at a bad angle.

I heard the sounds of their paws running through the forest. Their excited yips echoed of the trees making them sound like cackling hyenas. I tried all I could but even if I could get up, I was in no shape to run. They easily caught up to me. There was at least 20, others were hidden amongst the trees. Once glance over my batterted body, they knew I could not do anything. I could practically see the smirks forming on their mouths as they stalked towards me. Salivating, they licked their lips hungerly and began to hunt their prey.

They were just playing with now, each taking turns torturing me while the others circled around us and watched. Bitting, nipping scratching , slowly draining my engery and blood from my body. With one last effort. I kicked his stomach with my back legs. The heavy weight was knocked off of me and I gasped in sudden breaths. The rouge was hit so hard that he flew through the air and slammed into a tree. The movement of my lungs expanded and moved my crushed ribs, sending waves of pain through my diaphragm. A metallic taste ran across my tongue as I coughed up a mouthful of blood. I could feel my broken ribs pressing up against my lungs.

I laid sprawled out on my stomach, panting erratically even though it pained me to do so. I was captated by my blood leaving my body and staining the pure white color of my for and the snow around me. I dropped my head to the ground, my body being to weak to hold it up anymore. I made the mistake of glancing up one last time and met the eyes of my enemy, hunched low to the ground, ready to pounce on its prey. I knew it was over, that I was done for. I closed my eyes and embraced death. I exhaled for what I though to be my last time and I heard his nails scrape across the ice as his launched himself off the ground.

It never reached me. It was intersected mid air and was slammed hard to the frozen ground. Snow went flying every where as wolves ran and rolled through the white fluff ,disturbing it. The rogues were being taken down one by one as wolves who I have never seen before attacked them.

I was to busy watching my vigilanties that I didn't notice the long rouge stalk out of the shadows from behind me. I heard it let out growl and I was to weak to turn my head, let alone fight. It launched itself through the air, it claws just inches from my face but it was tackled, just as the other was. This time, it landed beside me and my savior crawled over my body. The rouge scrammbled to get to its feet but was stopped only a few feet away, his throat was not ripped out and he dropped the the ground.

I could feel his lungs expanding against my back from his heavy breathing. The warmth from his body began to seep into my cold, shaking form. My muscles were still shaking from fear and the sudden adrenaline rush that occurred only a few minutes ago. His calming scent filled my nose as he crouched over me, rubbing his intoxicating smell on me with the soft, warm fur that coated the underneath of his body.

A smaller, skittish rouge tried to approach but was almost immediately stopped in its path. Alpha Orion crouched lower,closer to my weak frame and let out a fierce snarl, sending comforting vibrations through my body.

My tense muscles invoulentary began to relax themselves and ehaution came with it. My eyes began to flutter close but I fought against it, they were still in danger. With the comforting warmth and tingles that were edmitting from Alpha Orion's body, it was nearly impossible not to fall asleep. My heavy eyes lids closed once more and my body became completely lax, becoming dead weight.

I do not remember shifting back but next thing I knew, my frail, beaten body was lifted from the ground. In my state of unconscious I heard the sound of someone's panicked yelling and erratic heartbeat drumming in my ear. The yelling voice vibrated against my face and upper body. Two muscled arms held my injured body to their strong, warm chest. Seeking further warmth, I curled further into their chest and pressed my face into their neck. Taking a deep breath, I inhaled an intoxicating , manly scent that lulled me into an even deeper sleep.

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