Henriette meets Bruce Wayne

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Henriette had to take a deep breath to calm herself down as panicking about this or being this badly nervous or so stressful isn't good for the babies and she needs to stay calm.

She saw Bruce Wayne and his son walk in as they sit in front of them with the butler bring in the drinks and food making Henriette to smile as she thanks him for the food and drinks since peanuts on the plane had a weird taste to them.

"Like what?" The butler asked as Henriette looks to him.

"Like they were expired or something." Henriette stuck her tongue out as she makes a sound showing she hates them as Bruce laughs making her to blush a bit at that.

Bruce can tell this had calmed her down as she isn't nervous anymore as she is now embarrassed for the sound she made. Damian can see she is more relaxed and is embarrassed for the sound that came from her mouth.

"Now, what is this about a marriage contract between you and me? Alfred told me it was four hundred years old." Henriette was confused to who Alfred was.

"He's the butler." Henriette nods as she opens the briefcase and took out the said contract for him to read it.

"I see. He also said something about you being my fianceè for fourteen years." Henriette took a deep breath before she explains as this is going to be a huge shock to him.

"Yes, the contracted actived a bit when I was born cause I was born a female than a boy. Once my parents were killed, it actived fully.

The contract states if parents of the fianceè are either dead or murdered, they go to their fiance to be looked after until they are wed when the fianceè is eighteen years old.

I didn't know about the contract for fourteen years as a manipulating old man is trying to control my life since my parents were........ Murdered in front of me since I was fifteen months old.

I could barely remember it until a friend who I see as a sister found a way to help people remember in our world, which I'll explain later since I got permission, in case they got hit with a........ Spell to make them forget sorting memories.

I remembered everything to the day I was born to the day I took it. I didn't like it when I remembered everything as I just cried into my big brother figure's chest for six whole hours.

I got a letter from my uncle figure and I got out of a bad house that doesn't like me and I got all of my information to know more about me.

There was some stuff inside of me that was sort of changing me to be what the old man wants me to be which I didn't like.

I even had a bond on my core which is bad for the development of them." Henriette touches her stomach making them, but Luna to know she's pregnant which they don't even really understand.

"The old man is the Headmaster of our school and three months ago he....... Raped me six times while making me forget about it.

He lose all of his money as I have it and my uncle wasn't please, nor was his boss." Bruce was angry she was raped, but wonders why she is nervous on some of the saying.

"Do you know how many?"

"Twins." Bruce was really angry as he can tell that Damian was as well and looks like he wants to kill the son of a bastard. He turns to the other girl as can tell she is only six years younger than his fianceè.

"Who's your friend?" Henriette looks to Luna and he can see a motherly look in her eyes making him to wonder why his fianceè has that look to her.

"She's my daughter."


"Oh calm the heck down! I adopted her when she lost her only family member, her father since her mother died when she was five years old!

It was in my second year since she was a first year! Geez! You think they know a six year old can't really get pregnant!" They calmed down as Luna laughs as she sounds like a toddler more than a eight year old.

"A bit of my fault since I treated her like a actually child when she missed some of her childhood a bit at age five.

She actually saw her mother die in front of her." Bruce nods as this helps him out. But he does wonder what his fianceè means by spell.

"What do you mean by spell?" Henriette shows a letter from the Minister of Magic in Gotham City and he understood now as she needed permission to tell him about it.

"This helps out a bit more. Then your friend created a potion to bring back memories from a spell to make them forget?" Henriette nods as she shows a thick book with fourteen and a small chapter on her summer filled chapters inside fully detailed.

"I don't think you would handle seeing my memories, so I figured a book would be better for you." Bruce nods even though he was confused on seeing her memories.

"In our world, we can see memories of others and I would of done that, but you would of tried to punch them as you would go through them since they're just memories." Henriette explains a bit more making Bruce to nod his head.

"You said something about you getting your information?" Henriette passes him her's and Luna's making him to be shocked as his fianceè has a lot of family names to continue.

"I won't force you to help me as I want to make sure we both agree to that together." Henriette said as she can tell he and his son are shocked as she is a pure royal witch. Even the butler, Alfred was shocked when he went to look at it.

"Since I blood and magically adopted Luna, she has my families inside of her as well." Bruce can see that thanks to it showing who Luna's family members are.

"Do you plan on living here or do you plan to live else where and come visit?" Henriette knows Bruce is trying to figure out where they will be staying.

"Both of us have brought all of our stuff so we can live with my fiance. If you wish for us to come visit until you are more comfortable with us, we have nothing against it." Henriette said as Bruce nods.

"I believe it would be better for you to both stay at my manor. Alfred, please show them to their rooms." Bruce said as Alfred bows to him.

"There's a problem with that, papa." They turned to Luna after she spoken up.

"As a seer, I can see the future a bit, but I also get major nightmares. Mama or Neville, my fiance, would allow me to sleep with them to stop them from showing up." Bruce was worried for her now and Alfred had them staying in the same room.

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