Meeting Dick Grayson

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Henriette had saw Damian sneaking out and she wonders where he is going as he should be in bed. She told Alfred who said Bruce is out, so he'll go pick him up before bringing him back home.

Both her and Luna saw the piano and when Henriette touched sorting piano keys, both of them went down. They saw a hand scan and both placed their hands on it to go down more.

They were shocked as the place is huge and they followed the tunnel to see a large computer with lots of stuff. They didn't notice Alfred, Bruce, Damian and another person were watching them.

Henriette was at the large computer and saw the chair. She doesn't know if she should sit down in it or not as she can feel the texture of the chair.

When she heard Bruce's voice speak up, she turns to him and saw he has a amused look on his face making her to blush as she didn't see him there.

'Stupid pregnancy hormones!' Henriette had thought to herself as she hates for not checking for anyone in the cave before entering the damn place.

"You can sit down in it if you want." He was amused to seeing her feeling the chair as she looks like she wants to sit down in it, but doesn't know if she should. Once he spoke up, she was shocked and blushed when she saw his amused look on his face.

He saw Alfred went to tend to Dick Grayson, who is Nightwing, as Damian had gotten him good making him to make sure Dick knows to use protection from now on.

He went over to Henriette and rubs her head like she was a child making her to blush more making him to like this even more as his fianceè is actually cute when she is blushing.

He sits down, but placed her on his lap making her to blush even more as she has never sat on anyone's lap before and she hides her face in his chest making him to see she is a bit shy about this.

Thanks to reading the book, he realized how much unloved she was and her friends were the only ones showing her love for the first time in her life and she is trying to help Luna remember the love of a mother.

He promises to shower her in love as much as possible. He saw that Luna was looking at the costumes making him to see she was think of trying one on which she did as it was a perfect fit.

Luna had a mask on eyes with a purple hood over her head. The suit had the bat symbol on it without filling while she placed the belt on making her to look like a female bat.

Henriette smiles at the site as she wonders about telling him about the organization she leads, but went against it as he might hate her for it which she doesn't want.

Luna has her boots on making her to be an inch taller than her real height making Bruce to find it very amusing when Damian saw Luna in the suit as he was shocked she's taller cause of the shoes.

"I'm going to have to talk to the police cause of what Damian had done." Henriette nods her head as she got off and went to talk to Damian. He was a bit angry, but she made sure to have a safe space between them.

"Damian, what happened?" Henriette told him one time she won't replace his mother, but if he needs to talk to her she's there. Damian looks at her and told her everything making him to see she wasn't shocked.

"I see. You know, you remind me of a sorting child I know. She may be a year younger than me, but she is still a child. She killed protection me from a fraud who wanted to rape me.

Because of this, she had gained a split personally which would come out and keeps her from remembering she had ever killed. You remind me of her. I know I'm asking a lot, but can you promise me you won't do this again?

I don't want to see you hurt as I feel like I was breaking 'cause I couldn't keep you safe." Damian was shocked that Henriette told him this, but he does wonders why she feels like she needs to keep him safe.

Bruce can see both are talking and would wait to letcher him, but he heard what Henriette had said as Damian agrees unless he is with Grayson or him making Henriette to sigh of relief before she nods.

'What did she mean by that? Is she hiding something?' He saw Dick walking over to him as he keeps his eyes on Henriette like she was a intruder.

"Who is she and the blond, Bruce?" Oh he knows he is going to like his reaction to this as Dick doesn't know about this.

"My fianceè, Henriette Lily Potter and her adopted daughter, Luna Lovegood." Dick was doing a good fish impressing before he flips out as he starts to shout at Bruce.

"FIANCEÈ AND ADOPTED DAUGHTER?!" Henriette, Damian and Luna turned to see Dick shouting while Alfred laughs as he went to get them food and drinks.

"SHE'S ONLY TWELVE AND YOUR MARRYING HER?! SHE'S TO YOUNG TO ADOPT!" Damian was laughing as this was too good as Henriette has a eye twitch.

She is not twelve thank you have much! Luna was giggling as she went over to Henriette and Damian making them to look at the site in front of them until Henriette went over to hurt Dick.


"Henriette, it's just the way your body is. You haven't been giving enough food is all. Alfred went to get some with drinks." Henriette calms as she wonders if Alfred is getting them sandwiches as she likes them.

Dick was shocked on how fast Bruce calms her down and she's fifteen?! Shit! He almost got hurt by her too! He saw her belly and realized she is pregnant.

"How long has she been here?"

"Oh just around a month. I was three months pregnant when Luna and I showed up a the door steps of the manor." Dick was shocked as his mouth was wide open.

"Your catching flies." Dick was blushing now making Damian to be rolling on the floor in complete laughter as Luna was joining him careful of the cape attach to the costume she is wearing.

Bruce saw all of this amusing as Henriette really knows how to lighting the mood up. Alfred shows up with the food and drinks making them to be grateful as Henriette had showed him the food that Hogwarts makes.

She likes home cooking better, but kept it to herself as she didn't want to hurt the little elves' feelings since they make the food for the students. Bruce was shocked about them as they work along side Alfred who was happy with the help.

Dick wonders what the manor is going to be like now since the last time he saw it. Henriette was Damian's step-mother, but she doesn't treat him like a son which is weird.

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