Chapter Five

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Chapter five

It has been two days since I was brought back to the castle and nothing has happened. I feel like they are not telling me something. "Morgan" I look up leaving my thoughts behind "Yeah?" Jaspar smiles "Would you like to have dinner with me. You owe me remember" He smiles "Right. Of course, I will" I smile back feeling a bit relaxed to do something new. I walk out of my room and look two doors down where Cain is, I want to go and knock but I stop myself closing the door getting ready.

I walk down the stairs where Jaspar is waiting with a smile for me. "You look amazing" He says "Thank you Jaspar" I smile grabbing the hand he offered. "I reserved the dining room and told everyone it is out of bounds for now" I look down smiling "You shouldn't have gone to all this trouble" He chuckles "I would have done more but with the situation it is best we keep you in the castle" He says making me remember why I am here. "Right...can we not discuss any of this tonight...please, I want to have a normal night dining with a very handsome werewolf" He perks up at my compliment "You think I am handsome?" I smile "Yes now shut up and lead the way I am hungry" He laughs "As you wish" I roll my eyes following him to the dining room. "This is magnificent" I look at the beautifully adorned table with candles all around. "Only the best for you" Jaspar says helping me with my chair "Thank you" I murmur as he sits in the seat next to me since across from me is too far to have a decent conversation. We eat in silence Jaspar stealing a few glances making me stop and smile. "I really like you Morgan" He says making my stomach flutter which hasn't happened since I was in high school. "I like you too Jaspar but aren't we destined to someone? A mate?" He saddens "Yes, but let's hope the moon goddess sees we are a perfect match" I give a small smile hoping she does. "I don't want to do the same thing my mother did to her mate" I tell him seeing a change in him "I know" He stays silent his face looking angry "Are you okay" I ask worried he will lash out like Cain did. Cain, my heart flutters but I make it stop "I am fine" He says going back to eating his food. I look at him before finishing up, the mood changing and I have a feeling it is because of something I said. My mother rejected Lucas who until now still loves her even though she caused him great pain. "Well, I should be off I have things to do...I would escort you to your room but there is something urgent I must take care of." I smile sadly nodding "Yeah no problem thanks for the lovely dinner" I tell him as he walks out the room but I stay for a while before leaving. I close the door behind me taking a deep breath that gets lost as soon as I see Cain "Cain" I call out "Cain" I call out again louder but I know he can hear me even if I whisper. "Why are you ignoring me?" He turns around "What makes you think I am ignoring you?" My breath hitches as I see those green eyes making me think back to the first time I met him. "Well, I never see you and when I do you seem to disappear" He looks at me his green eyes glimmering "I am busy Morgan preparing and training. You see there are these scary creatures called vampires that want to kill you and this whole pack, I have to make sure you don't get killed" I roll my eyes "I can handle it" He scoffs "No you think you can but this isn't something you can just handcuff they are deadly" He says making me frown "Are you going to train me? Once I am turned" I ask hoping he says yes. "I don't know if my brother would like that" I look at his now angry face "And why would your brother not like that?" I ask tempting him "He obviously has an interest in you" I bite my lip "I don't know he seemed off when I mentioned mates" I tell him and Cain stiffens "He had the same reaction as you did" Cain looks shocked "Is this like a sibling thing?" I ask smiling "No, where are you off to now?" Cain asks "My room why?" He shrugs "No particular reason" He says his green eyes looking confused "Cain!" Someone yells "We need you now! There has been an attack" Cain runs behind the guy and I also follow.

It was everywhere...blood. I have never seen so much blood but it seems like Cain didn't mind he quickly went to the guys standing near the forest. There was also a young girl with raven hair but that wasn't what brought my attention to her it was the fact that she had blood all over her and a heart in her hand. "Morgan this is Adeline, my cousin" Cain says "It is nice to meet you Morgan" Adeline says bowing her head a bit "You too Adeline" I walk over to the two bodies "One's human" The guy that called us said "Why would they kill a human?" I ask looking at the body "To get us on edge of course" He says poking it with a stick "You should head inside they could come back" Cain says "I am going to clear the area" I nod "I'll go with you" I offer "Dressed like that, it is best if you stay" I look down at my elegant dress I forgot I was wearing. "Fine" I mutter following the other people inside "And Adeline please take a shower and leave the heart with the doctor" Adeline smiles wiping some blood off "Sure thing" I watch Cain leave shifting reminding me of the first time I met him.

Jaspar was waiting for me at the door a worried look on his face "Morgan are you okay?" He asks I nod not in the mood to talking to him. "Morgan we need to talk about the ritual" I stop "Let me change out of this" I say not waiting for his answer.

I walk into the kitchen and grab an apple hoping to distract myself...It is 11:04 now and I am not sure if I should be afraid or excited that I am finally going to be reborn into my true form. Maybe this will help somehow safe humanity, Micas and Lucas think so...heck the whole pack thinks so. "Morgan follow me" Jaspar says catching me off guard "It's time isn't it?" He nods "But we have to make preparations" He says holding my hand trying to calm me. "Why can't we do it tomorrow?" I ask not feeling like today was the best time to turn into a hybrid. "We technically are" Cain says stepping inside the room "Right how was the search did you find anything?" I ask remembering the attack but who could forget an attack like that? "No, but that was a wakeup call we need to do the ritual so you can get the proper training" He says giving me a stern look while Jaspar looks beyond annoyed. "You okay Jas?" I ask touching his arm hoping to get a reaction from Cain for some reason I want him to notice me for not just the girl that is the key to peace but more. "Yeah, I'm fine Morgan" He says giving me a smile "Okay let us begin with the basics" Lucas said entering the room alongside Micas.

It is now 11:55, Jaspar took me to this cabin outside the castle in the middle of nowhere that is where I am supposed to get dressed in a black and bathe in some oils. "Adeline" I smile letting her come in "I brought the oils...Cain told me to help you...well he ordered me but I am  always happy to help our new Luna" I smile again but as she said those words I felt a little bit of worry creep inside of me. "Thank you, it is much appreciated" She smiles back filling the tub with the oils. "Now get undressed so you can bathe"

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