Chapter Ten

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Chapter ten

I watch over Adeline who took a warm bath sitting next to the fireplace I lit for her. "I can't believe Natalia would do that" I say wondering how she is connected to everything, what her motive could be. "Honestly I have no idea why she would want to hurt me...we were getting along until I mentioned Micas having someone else." Adeline says looking hurt "I thought she changed" She says playing with the pillow on her lap. "Who was Micas other lover?" I ask hoping this mystery woman can help me understand why Natalia would want Adeline dead. "Her name was Maria all I know was that they were punished by the moon goddess because they weren't mates so she died" She watched me "What's wrong?" I shake my head "Nothing...I just got a bad feeling" I tell her thinking about Jaspar "Anyways why were you there anyways?" I ask thinking back to my mother's letters "I was looking for Cain when I saw Natalia and I asked her, she said he went for a run getting ready to train the boys" My heart leaps at the mention of Cain but my mind ignores it "Have you seen Cain?" Adeline shakes her head sadly "Morgan...what if she did something to him?" I hold her hand reassuring her "Cain is too strong for that" Adeline smiles "You are right" I smile back at her "I am going to look for Cain even though Jaspar will hate me for it we need him" Adeline smiles hugging me "Thank you!" I hug her back standing up "You sure you are good up here? I could call Josh so he can watch you" I offer but she shakes her head no. "I am good...go find my cousin.."


I walk out making my way to his room hoping he is there so that my mind can be at ease. "Josh!" I call out jogging up to him "Hey Morgan I haven't seen you in forever!" He says looking relieved to see me "I was beginning to worry since I haven't seen Cain all day" I frown "Neither have I" He sighs "I have to go train with the rest of the guys. Take care...seriously because it is dangerous outside" I smile sadly "I know Josh...who's training by the way?" Josh shrugs "I have no idea...maybe Jaspar but he doesn't really know how to fight as well as Cain-Don't tell him!" I laugh "I won't." I watch him leave before making my way to Cain's room.




Jaspar watches as she pours different liquids into one container "What is that for?" He asks "For you darling!" Rose responds putting the liquid in a needle "Just in case your little girlfriend gets out of hand" Jaspar smiles "I highly doubt it but I will keep it close" Rose rolls her eyes "Oh c'mon Jaspar we both know you will need it! I've seen how she can get wandering off and getting into detective mode!" She says putting her stuff away "What are you doing in the castle anyways?" Jaspar asks watching her closely "Exploring" She says giving a wicked smile. "Don't get caught" Jaspar warns making her frown "You are just like your father...oops" Rose says forgetting he didn't know Micas was his father. "You knew my father?" Rose sighs "No, I know your father now don't go all crazy but Micas is your father" Rose says leaving the room before he did something to her. Jaspar sits on the nearest chair before realizing he had to go speak to him.


"Micas please brother" Lucas pleads hoping to buy some time and give some sense to his brother "Begging isn't really your think Lucas" Micas says playing with the dagger. "Jaspar is just like you following orders here and there wanting what he brother has...I know what you are up to Micas" Lucas says hoping this will make Micas tell him what he is planning. "Oh really? Tell me you know Cain is locked away somewhere dying because his mate is too busy with his brother to care...why wouldn't she care you ask? Isn't she his mate? Yes she is but you see I am smarter than any of you and I have a witch on my side creating potions you have never heard of" His eyes light up with passion and rage as he explains to his brother "I want you to see them suffer but I won't give you the luxury of living any longer" He clutches the dagger in his hands getting ready "I hope you live a good life brother even if deep down you are miserable"


Adeline sat on her bed waiting for Morgan to barge into her room with Cain following behind her so she could forget about all her worries and focus on the upcoming war if there even is a war. She walks over to the window opening it no longer bothered by the cold air. "Hey bestie! I thought you were dead." Natalia's voice said making Adeline turn around.  "You should try harder next time" Natalia smiles "Oh I will trust me and when I am done with you..." She chuckles holding to blades one in each hand "You won't know what hit you" Adeline shakes her head getting ready to fight even if it means killing one of her own "Really Natalia weapons, that says something about you" Adeline tsks at a glaring Natalia. "Does my uncle know you are going to kill me?" Adeline says trying to get some leverage "Yes. He ordered me to" Natalia answers a giant smirk on her face "Well then he is as dead as you are going to be" She growls her eyes glowing.


I walk down the empty hall getting a bad vibe. I wish I has something to defend myself, I take a deep breath before grabbing the handle. As I was about to open the door I hear a scream that makes me forget everything "Adeline!" I yell running towards her room. "Jasper!" I yell "Adeline-." I stop and take a deep breath "She is in trouble" I tell him but he seems serious "She can handle herself...Morgan. Micas is my father" I stop myself from running past him "What?" I shake my head remembering Adeline in danger "We can talk later Adeline's in trouble" my heart races as I hear another scream "Jaspar!" I nudge him "I'm sorry" He says before I feel a pinch on my arm.

I wake up in a dark cold room, my eyes look around but my vision is still blurry. "Help" I try to say but nothing comes out. I try to move but I seem to be paralyzed by whatever was in the shot. Adeline could be dead by now and I am who knows where unable to leave. My vision becomes too blurry to see shapes all I see is blobs of color. I begin to hear footsteps and soon a familiar hand is caressing my cheek. Jaspar! I try to lift my head but it is too heavy, "I'm sorry Morgan. It has to be done" He says and I can tell he is looking at me. I try to move, to fight back but I can't making me even more angry. "I know you are probably pissed but it is for your are going to meet your father" my heart jumps for a second scared, I must escape. As the door closes I relax trying to move my body so I can tell Lucas the truth.


I walk out leaving Morgan alone with her thoughts. I know she is probably angry but I am doing this for her own good. "Jaspar! I have been looking everywhere for you!" Josh says sounding annoyed but relieved to see me "Why?" I ask wanting to finish this conversation so that I could have one with my father... "Well you are the one that is supposed to train us since Cain is nowhere to be seen" I sigh thinking about my two options. If I train with them I will know exactly what they will do but if I don't they will be unprepared for the vampires... "Cancel it today, we will meet tomorrow at dawn" I lie because by tomorrow this whole pack will be history.

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