Chapter Sixteen

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"This is easier said than done, but don't take it personally." Dom was trying to make the best of Em's sudden and very unexpected departure. "She probably has no idea she hurt you."

May turned to him with an icy stare. He winced accordingly.

"I know you think that's supposed to help, but it's really not working," she said.

"Noted." Dom raised his hands in surrender.

"Yes, she has every right to be freaked out and upset." May could hear the octave of her voice rising. She didn't care. "But this affects both of us. We should be working this out together. And if she doesn't realize that taking off like this would hurt me-"

"Maybs," Dom placed a hand on each of her shoulders and exhaled. "I know you don't want to hear this but I don't think this is the time to make this about you. Em loves you but she needs a bit of space. She'll come back to you when she's ready."

He was right - she didn't want to hear it. But with every second that passed, it sank in that he might have a point. With a heavy sigh she stepped away until she backed into the cool metal side of the trailer. She slumped against it miserably.

They were outside, watching the sky, waiting to see if Em would return. Every time a star flickered May's heart skipped, but it was never her. Dom dropped himself onto the steps and together they let the moments slip by in silence.

"What happened to her hair?" Dom asked eventually, intruding on the stillness of the night.

When Em had tumbled into May's arms, her ballcap fell to the floor to reveal her once long, shimmering locks had been chopped short.

"It's easier to hide under hats and wigs this way," May answered absently, gesturing at her own head. "We tried colouring it but it wouldn't take. Her body just rejects stuff like that. Wouldn't even take a tattoo."

"A tattoo?" Dom raised a quizzical eyebrow.

"We were supposed to match."

"Are you telling me you got a tattoo?"

May shot him a mischievous look. "Wouldn't you like to know."

Chuckling softly, Dom looked skyward.

"I really fucked up, didn't I?" he asked, his voice heavy with defeat. "If it's worth anything at all, I really did think I was doing the right thing. But I guess the road to ruin is paved with good intentions."

May smiled sadly.

"Don't beat yourself up over it, Dom," she said. "I think I would have done the same thing."

Dom groaned in reply, dropping his head into his hands.

"Are you alright?" May shot upright in alarm.

Fast as a blink his form appeared to flicker.

"I'm sorry to do this to you now, Maybe." Dom grunted as he pulled himself to his feet. "But it's been awhile since I've spent time in the forest. My magic is getting weak."

"Oh no." May watched as he flickered again, revealing a flash of roots and foliage. "Your glamour is slipping."

It was so easy to forget what he really was. In a way it was the same with Em.

If someone told me a a couple years ago I would one day be surrounded by magical creatures and not be phased by it, I would have laughed in their faces, she thought as she reached a hand out for Dom.

"Come on." She motioned for him to follow. "I'll take you to the woods."

The walk to the outskirts of town took some time and by the time they arrived, Dom's human form had been replaced by the hulking silhouette of his true self. May could just make out the points of elk-like antlers reaching from his crown of lush greenery and vines, and the glint of his inky eyes reflecting the moonlight.

The Wind and the Horizon (Book 2 in the Starborn Series)Where stories live. Discover now