Chapter Thirty-Two

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[ CW: strong language, and sexual content, which has been edited to comply with Wattpad's Everyone rating. To read the unedited version, check out the book STARBORN MATURE CHAPTERS on my profile.]

Marina's big house was fairly quiet for the rest of the day, especially considering how many people were in it. The party spent most of the afternoon napping and getting cleaned up.

Some time after three o'clock, Em jolted awake and glanced groggily around the room until she remembered where she was. It came back to her slowly: the memory of crawling along the couch and flopping down onto her stomach between May's splayed legs. May had been lounging there, reading the computer reference book Marina had loaned her; Em fell asleep with her arms wrapped around May's middle and her face resting on her stomach as it rose and fell with each gentle breath May took.

"How long was I asleep?" Em asked. She peered up at May, who lifted the book she was still reading to peek back at her.

"Not sure," May admitted. "Maybe an hour?"

Connor strode into the room carrying a basket full of fresh laundry.

"Do you guys mind if I fold in here?" he asked. "Rue's sleeping upstairs."

"Knock yourself out," Em replied with a yawn, snuggling back down onto May who set the book aside and began combing her fingers lightly through Em's hair.

Connor was almost finished his chore when a sleepy-eyed Rue wandered downstairs.

"Feeling better, love?" he asked when she walked up for a quick kiss and to survey his progress.

"Much better." She smiled warmly.

Marina breezed into the room and grinned when she saw them. "Everyone's surfacing! Who's up for a drink or two?"

Without waiting for a response she unlocked a magnificent liquor cabinet and pulled out glasses. She then went to retrieve wine from the kitchen as everyone made their drink selection. Before striding back into the room she called up the stairs to the stragglers. "We're getting drunk without you!"

Soon Jeremy and Priva joined them. They were disheveled, but it didn't appear to have been from sleep. Em and May exchanged knowing looks when the pair passed them on their way to make their drinks, but they kept their teasing remarks to themselves.

"Oh, man." Marina sighed happily, settling back with a very full glass of wine. "I can't remember the last time I got drunk. I think I'm overdue."

"We're not getting drunk," Connor laughed. "But don't let us stop you."

"For those prepared to party," Em raised her glass of whiskey to Marina. "We salute you."

They all clinked their glasses, a chaotic moment of reaching arms trying to make sure no one was missed, and toasted to being together, regardless of the circumstances.

For everyone but May and Em, the conversation flowed naturally, especially once the alcohol started to lighten the mood in the room. No one wanted to talk about the present and so those who shared a history dipped into the wells of nostalgia. They rehashed memories, retelling increasingly funnier stories until they gasped for breath between their laughter.

May and Em sat on the far end of the couch, edging closer with every sip from their glasses. At first they tried to stay cognisant that Jeremy was right there, regardless of the fact that he hadn't looked at them once since entering the room. But as the whiskey worked its magic, they seemed to forget that anyone else was in the room. Em coiled an arm around May's slender waist and nuzzled into the curve of her neck. She planted kiss after kiss - playful in the beginning, then slower and seductive as they worked through their second and third drinks - along May's jawline and shoulder. Between kisses she'd whisper things in May's ear that left her crimson-cheeked and giggling.

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