14- Garth

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Oh God

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Oh God. How do I ask her? Should I be geeky and cute or strong and handsome.... Which one would she like the most?? Garth asked these questions to himself over and over again.
Garth had been planning on asking you out, but just didn't know how. You and him would flirt to no end when you were at bars and to him you were the prettiest thing to ever hit planet Earth.
To you, Garth was the cutest and sweetest person you could ever meet. You also wanted to ask him out, but you liked it when the boy asked. It was always more romantic and, when it comes to Garth, a whole lot cuter.
So, one day, after about 7 hours of research, Garth decided to ask. He asked right in front of Sam and Dean, who were tired and cranky and probably disapproving, but he didn't care. He couldn't fight his feelings anymore than a worm could fight a bird.
"Hey, y/n," he called. You looked up.
"Would.... Would you like to go on a date with me?" He asked simply, pulling his trusty hand puppet Mr. Fizzles on his hand and making it nod, while slightly nodding his head.
"Of course I would! Especially if the puppet says yes," you ran and gave him a hug. "Wanna go see a movie? I'm bored!"
"Sure! Wait, are you two okay with this?" Garth asked. He really didn't feel like being killed by two overprotective brothers.
Sam and Dean looked at each other and had a telepathic conversation. After about three minutes of awkward silence, they sighed. "Sure. Go ahead."
Both you and Garth cheered and he wrapped an arm around you, leading you to his car to take you to the movies.
I guess geeky and cute is the way to go.

shit I'm sorry ik this is really late but I just want you to know that I was sick Monday and I had to do a project Sunday (did I update sunday? Idk) and yesterday was halloween and I had some buddies over. I'm sowwy! I love you guys!

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